Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future: Participate in the META Web3 Builder Competition for a Chance to Win $30,000



Exciting news for tech enthusiasts and blockchain aficionados worldwide! We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the META Web3 Builder Competition, brought to you by ETH Riyadh (

Total Prize Pool: $30,000

This second edition of the developer competition opens for registration on September 18th and runs until October 24th. The competition seeks to attract talented developers and teams from across the globe to showcase their innovative ideas in the Web3 space while fostering direct collaboration among global developer communities. The total prize pool for this competition is $30,000, with the final results set to be unveiled on October 31st.

The prize pool is divided into two main categories: Competition Awards and Track-specific Awards.

Competition Awards (Total of $9,500):

  • First Place: $4,000
  • Second Place: $3,000
  • Third Place: $2,500

Track-specific Awards (Total of $20,500):

  • Gaming & Metaverse: $2,500
  • Layer 2 (L2): $2,500
  • NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens): $2,500
  • Social Finance (Social Fi): $2,500
  • AI/Blockchain: $2,500
  • Fintech: $2,500
  • DAO/Tool: $2,500
  • Chiliz Special Track: $3,000

Judging Criteria: All valid submissions will be reviewed by the ETH Riyadh organizing committee and assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Completeness: 20%
  • Technical Challenge: 15%
  • Business Value: 10%
  • Innovation: 35%
  • User Experience: 20%

Submission Requirements:

  • Brief project description
  • A 5-minute project demonstration video
  • URL link to the open-source code of the project
  • Deployment contract address of the demonstrated project (testnet)
  • All submissions must be completed and submitted by 23:59 AST (Arabian Standard Time, UTC/GMT+3) on October 24, 2023

For more information about ETH Riyadh and the META Web3 Builder Competition, please visit:

To access the project submission page, please visit:

About ETH Riyadh:

ETH Riyadh 2023 is a prominent Web3 summit dedicated to Ethereum, designed to gather developers and builders from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle East regions. With a strong focus on the Ethereum ecosystem, Eth Riyadh aims to provide insights from industry experts, and engage in discussions around the blockchain future.

