2022 BSC & ChainIDE BootCamp Week-1 Overview

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6 min readFeb 21, 2022

A brief summary of the first week of the Bootcamp

The first week of the Bootcamp focused on discussions on different topics in blockchain such as CryptoArts and NFTs, building your Dapps on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and developing a blockchain-based game from scratch, blockchain lovers from all around the world joined this Bootcamp and the experienced and well-known experts in the blockchain were invited to give speeches on the above-mentioned topics.

Opening Ceremony

Mr. Wu Xiao, the CEO of WhiteMatrix and the founder of ChainIDE was invited to give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Bootcamp. First of all, Bootcamp Mr. Wu thanked all the participants for joining this Bootcamp and told that they have held Bootcamps in more than 40 countries including Africa, Russia, Vietnam, China, Canada, America. Mr. Wu said we are happy to hold this kind of event and help people to move from Web2 to Web3.

Mr. Zhu, co-ordinator at Binance Smart Chain (BSC) introduced BSC and informed that the BSC ecosystem has more than 1200 projects now. Furthermore, Mr. Zhu mentioned that we would like to see two main things in this Bootcamp, innovations being born, and fostering the community spirit, and he told that the BSC aims to bring next 1 billion new users to the crypto, and it all will be done through education and encouraging mass adoption. Explaining the MVB program, Mr. Zhu said that the users can expect classes from domain experts in this program, and the top performances will get incentives from BSC, and BSC has reserved 1 billion for this as a growth fund. Mr. Zhu hoped the participants from this Bootcamp will gain access to a lot of knowledge that will help them build, scale, and grow their startups. And in the MVB round 4, they are focusing on a couple of key categories such as Web3 infrastructure, and Metaverse.

Day 1: Crypto Arts and NFTs

Mr. Marc Backmen, the CEO of DMA United, adjunct professor at NYU Stern MBA Marketing, and the writer of “NFT, blockchain, and the Metaverse” shared his ideas on how NFTs are being used in fashion, and what’s going to be the future of NFTs in fashion. Mr. Bakmen said we are going from digital arts and NFTs to deeper into the Metaverse and we’ll see that now play for the fashion industry in a very significant way, emphasizing that, he mentioned the cute of Cathy Hackel, tech futurist

“A further convergence of our physical and digital lives and in some ways

It’s about internet-breaking free from the rectangles in our hands, desks, and walls and being all around us.”

The idea of leveraging digital assets and bringing them into the physical world seems to be growing, furthermore, he quoted Mr. Morgan Stanley estimation that the Metaverse could constitute ten percent (10%) of the luxury goods addressable market by 2030, representing more than 50 Billion Euro revenues in opportunity. And that’s one of the reasons that they are bullish on all these things such as web3, NFT, and we are at the starting gate, have not started yet, and there is a lot of buzzes certainly about the Metaverse. Mr. Backmen suggested to all the people who are in fashion to take Mr. Stanly’s statistics seriously. He further told that we are moving as a society, as a culture deeper and deeper into the virtual world more than in real life and the statistics are really interesting, these days people spend more time interacting with their friends on social media channels.

Mr. Daneil (FrankenSense), co-author of “Launching Your Own NFT Project” guided the audience on how to launch their own NFT project. He stated that market research is very important before launching your NFT project. Furthermore, Mr. Daniel introduced the four life-cycles of NFT which are the introduction, growth phase, maturity phase, the decline phase. Mr. Daniel also suggests looking for similar projects on Twitter, Instagram, etc. He further shared some questions to understand how you are going to be better than other NFT projects such as who is your target audience, what problems you’re solving, what is the age of your buyers, what do they spend their money on, what are their professions, what kind of personalities they have. He suggested writing down at least five ways how your product is better than others before launching your NFT project, and most people buy NFT as an investment opportunity. Mr, Daniel further guided on how to build an amazing community, because the community is the biggest thing for releasing a project.

Just DoEK, Lead developer at CyberGalz, introduced the P2E gaming, and used CyberGalz as ademonstration.

Day 2: How to Build Your Dapp on BSC?

Tim, CTO of WhiteMatrix, introduced ChainIDE, its use-cases, features, and functionalities of ChainIDE, services, and ecosystem of ChainIDE, a roadmap of ChainIDE, and a demo of how to create a dapp using ChainIDE. Introducing ChainIDE, Tim stated that ChainIDE provides on stop solution, users can use ChianIDE to program their dapps, write smart contracts, and deploy on different blockchains such as Ethereum, BSC, Nervos, Flow, etc. Making a comparison of ChainIDE, Tim stated that there is the shortcoming of ChainIDE that are made up by ChainIDE which are Remix supports only EVM supported blockchains while ChainIDE supports both EVM and non-EVM supported blockchains and the other missing feature is letting users use npm/node run time that is also made up by ChainIDE. Furthermore, Tim stated that ChainIDE wants to bring easy development, customization, and ecosystem.

Rumeel Hussain, BSC enthusiast, and blockchain developer guided on how to build a dapp on BSC, he stated that he is also using ChainIDE for several months, and it saves a lot of developers’ time.

Day 3: How to Develop a Blockchain Game?

Mr. Julien, an overseas community manager at Gamecreator, briefly introduced GAMECREATORDX which is visualized tool to make your game is visualized in templates to create your blockchain-based games, and even users can create their custom templates, and instructed on how to interact your blockchain games with the smart contract to realize some basic features such as checking the token balance, transferring the tokens, and airdrop tokens, and presented a demo of an RPG game created using GameCreator.

Mr. Yielei, community manager of WhiteMatrix, explained all the steps and presented a live demonstration on how to build your own blockchain-based game. He demonstrated the “Cell Evolution”, Cell Evolution is the first puzzle sandbox Dapp. Each player acts as a cell group. Players need to balance between Adaptability, Reproductivity, and Survivability in the game. When a player finished the game, they can choose to do DNA merging. This function will upload the data into the whole ethnic group. This is not only a game but also a real-world social experiment. If the ethnic group has unbalanced data, the cell world will be destroyed. Millions of the cells will together, decide the destiny of the world!

All the videos for week one are available at the below-given links.
Day 1: Crypto Arts and NFTs
Day 2: How to Build Your Dapp on BSC?
Day 3: How to Develop a Blockchain Game?

Should there be any questions, please reach us on the below-given links. Thanks
Website: https://bscbuilderbootcamp.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/bscchainidebootcamp
Discord: https://discord.gg/QpGq4hjWrh

