ChainIDE — the world’s first cloud-based IDE, supporting Cocos-BCX

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2019

On June 25th, White Matrix Inc. has released ChainIDE, the world’s first cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE).

ChainIDE, developed by White Matrix for the partner of Cocos-BCX Eco, has become the world’s first cloud-based IDE to access the Cocos-BCX test network. This tool not only realizes intelligent contract programming and debugging based on Lua programming language on BCX, but also makes unique optimization for programmer’s agile development on BCX. ChainIDE can also help developers achieve design/compilation/deployment/debugging /calling with one-click, greatly reducing the marginal cost of the programming environment setup. It is reported that ChainIDE is the world’s first cloud-based IDE supporting multi-chain, e.g., Ethereum and IOST, and has provided more than 100,000 compilation services to developers in more than 100 countries around the world. Through this collaboration with Cocos-BCX, ChainIDE will continue to provide quality services to eco-innovators. Through Cocos-BCX’s cloud IDE, attracting numerous developers and producing Cocos eco-quality content resources are highly possible in the near future.

The Cocos-BCX test network 1.0 has been officially released for almost 2 months, and the activity with the codename “Gangbo Renqi” has attracted countless high-quality blockchain developers. Cocos-BCX not only provides convenience and perfection for developers but also brings new game experience and game form beyond the past for blockchain game users.

The ChainIDE developed by WhiteMatrix Inc. is an IDE specifically designed for blockchain platforms. By visiting the ChainIDE web service through the Internet browser, blockchain developers are able to write, compile and deploy their own smart contracts anytime anywhere. The seamless programming experience brings ChainIDE the name of cloud blockchain IDE.

At the same time, ChainIDE is also the world’s first IDE to access the Libra Move language. ChainIDE has a good reputation and popularity in the Libra official community. CocosBCX and Facebook Libra ecosystem will interoperate in the future, which makes it possible to reach 2.7 billion users in Libra Ecology for developers of CocosBCX. By integrating various decentralized applications including games and DeFi, the ChainIDE has shown its potential to become the intermediary of public chain and permission chain.

