City University of Hong Kong and ChainIDE Jointly Host Web3-Build Towards Mass Adoption Salon on Apr. 14th

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2 min readApr 13, 2023

On April 14th at 2 pm, the City University of Hong Kong and ChainIDE will be co-hosting a themed salon entitled “WEB3-BUILD Towards Mass Adoption”, with ChainIDE’s founder, Wu Xiao, set to deliver the keynote speech.

From the emergence of Web1.0 to the current era of Web3.0, the evolution of user rights has transformed from read-only to full ownership. Users can now create content, and in turn, Web3.0 returns data and value to users, empowering them to take control of their digital identity, assets, and data.

This themed salon, “WEB3-BUILD Towards Mass Adoption,” aims to delve into user behavior patterns in Web3 applications, the proliferation of Web3 innovations, and the integration of Web3 for the next billion users, among other topics. The event will provide an academic perspective on the affordability and practicality of Web3.

Web3 presents various challenges, making it a stimulating area to explore and learn. We welcome Web3 enthusiasts to participate in the “WEB3-BUILD Towards Mass Adoption” salon, engage in face-to-face discussions with industry leaders, and expand their knowledge and insights on Web3.

Check the latest event schedule:

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