Global Metaverse Bootcamp Project Team Selection

A guide to making a team for Global Metaverse Bootcamp, completing a project, and getting rewards

3 min readNov 27, 2021


Global Metaverse Bootcamp intends to provide developers with design and hands-on experience of blockchain games as well as Metaverse projects. In order for developers to have in-depth programming knowledge, we are offering you a chance to team up with other talented developers and complete a blockchain project demo in partnership with your teammates. The details and requirements for the team selection and rewards are given below.

1. Team Project Demo Includes the following:

★ A Smart contract

★ A Front-end display

★ A WhitePaper, slides, and a presentation video (3 minutes)

Project topics for the Bootcamp include but are not limited to metaverse games, Sociofi, DAO, NFT, something about Matrix World, and other topics related to the metaverse.
If you have any questions about project selection, feel free to ask in the class this Saturday (at 19:27 PST on Nov. 28 )

2. What will You Get if You Participate and Finish the Team Project? 🏆

★ A POAP will be awarded to those who participate and finish the team project.

★ The top team will be awarded one slot of Matrix Land (1x1). And this piece of land is shared by the members of the winning team.

★ The 2nd place team will be awarded $1000.

★ The 3rd place team will be awarded $500.

★ Excellent projects will be recommended for the final awards of the Metathon finals.

3. Who is Qualified to Participate in the Team Project?

Participants who fill out the registration form and join the discord community will be qualified to participate in the team project. If your friends want to participate in the team project with you, but they have not registered and joined our community yet, they still have a chance to join by filling in the registration form and joining before Dec 03, 2021, at 00:00 PST.

4. How to Join/Form a Team and Find Your Teammates?

To join/form a team, please go to our Discord channel 💡丨Recruit Team ( Introduce your project and other members who are interested in your project will join your project. If you are interested in the already introduced project, join the project by adding the required information. If you are failed to join a team on Discord, please fill in the form here and we’ll find a team for you. You can recruit your teammates before Dec 03, 2021, at 00:00 PST.

📓 Note: After forming a team, the team leader needs to fill in all the team members’ information here.

  • Please consider the time zone issues when choosing teammates.
  • We will release the information of corresponding teams on Dec. 04, 2021, at 00:00 PST

📓 Note: Team leader must register with a GitHub account. The team leader also has to undertake the task assignment and communication within the team, as well as collaboration tasks.

We all understand that it is challenging to realize collaborative work with an unfamiliar team in a short time period. Thus we hope that developers could communicate and collaborate as much as they can in the process of teaming and projecting, be respectful to each other, and stay strong!

5. Suggested Division of Roles & Responsibilities :

We suggest that each team has at least five members. Taking into account the actual situation, this team can be flexible from 01 to 07 members. A team should have a whole set of required people to complete the project. A project will need the following skills:

  • Requirement collection and documentation
  • Designing
  • Development (coding)
    - Front-end (HTML, CSS, JS, etc)
    - Backend (Solidity, Python, etc)
  • Testing
  • Project presentation

6. DDL for Submitting Team Projects

Dec. 18th, 2021 at 00:00 PST

7. Who will Review and Judge Your Team Projects?

WhiteMatrix Team members, mentors of ecosystem exchange roundtable, and mentors of capital docking roundtable

We would be delighted to welcome you to our community via the following links:

