The world’s first interactive tutorial for Libra’s Move Language

Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2019

Recently, we launched MoveCastle, the world’s first gamification tutorial for the Move language. The tutorial aims to teach Libra’s Move language in an interactive game, enabling zero-based beginners to learn the new programming language for free. This tutorial is one of the ChainCastle series products jointly launched by Beijing Normal University Blockchain Lab and White Matrix.

“We started thinking about how to popularize the language from the day it was born.” Ling, CEO of White Matrix, said. MoveCastle uses the game link design that fits the Move language feature to systemize the design concept of Move. At the same time, MoveCastle is also practical and timely. It seamlessly integrates teaching with practical applications, guiding learners to understand the project design and implementation of blockchain-oriented projects, and keeping up with Libra/Move trends for game updates, so that learners can learn the latest Move language knowledge.

“Code is the law!” Ling believes that smart contracts can identify and propagate contracts and rules in the form of code, and only its programming language can make the goal of “code is the law” really come true. Therefore, the popularization of the smart contract language is particularly important for creating a trusted code to run the ecosystem.

The essence of computer programming language teaching is the interpretation of rules. Getting rid of the natural boring of programming language learning has always been a challenge for programming language teaching. Professor Wang Shengling, head of the blockchain laboratory of Beijing Normal University, said, “MoveCastle’s “task-driven” teaching method solves this problem well. This tutorial connects unrelated grammar rules cleverly through the game stories. Learners internalize grammar rules into their own knowledge in the process of creating their own games, and truly realize “learning for use”. This kind of learning style with substitution is not only stimulating the learner’s cognition but also gives them a thorough understanding of how to use the programming language to build the logical nature of the project. This is the main feature of our application,” she stressed.

After MoveCastle went online, it quickly gained the favor of users. Prof. Cheng Xiuzhen, a blockchain researcher and the IEEE Fellow at George Washington University in the United States, believes that MoveCastle’s effective measures to stimulate learners’ interest and enthusiasm are reflected in three aspects: First, tailor-made game scenarios for Libra’s Move language features; Second, simplify the complex tasks by refining the overall goals.; Third, provide timely feedback and incentives for learners. “I hope that MoveCastle can popularize the smart contract language and make the blockchain application truly go to the public.” Professor Cheng Xiuzhen said that she hopes that with the help of MoveCastle, this day will come soon.

MoveCastle could be run at the world’s first cloud-based IDE — ChainIDE for Libra’s Move. ChainIDE users can write smart contracts, compile and deploy them in the cloud only by a web browser. So far, ChainIDE has provided more than 300,000 intelligent contract compilation services to developers in more than 100 countries around the world, including many educational institutions and research institutes. MoveCastle and ChainIDE will help each other achieve perfect interoperability, and form a business closed loop, making the development of blockchain applications easy and convenient.

