White Matrix Gave a guest lecture at the University of Alberta.

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2 min readFeb 17, 2020

On February 12, at the invitation of the University of Alberta’s Multimedia research center, Xinyao Sun, research scientist of White Matrix gave a guest lecture to the master students who majored in computer science with a specialization in multimedia at the University of Alberta.

Alvin introduced the topic with current issues in the banking system, then introduced Bitcoin and Ethereum, and compared them with the banking system. Alvin mentioned that the biggest feature of Bitcoin and Ethereum is decentralization and publication, which can solve the issues of the current centralized and non-public operation of the banking system.

Blockchain is the real technology behind Bitcoin. Alvin then made a detailed introduction. The blockchain is based on three major technologies, Private Key Cryptography, P2P Network, and Blockchain Program. Later, Alvin also introduced how Bitcoin and Ethereum are traded, and mentioned some applications of blockchains and decentralized technology in other industries.

After learning that this program at the University of Alberta required students to take an internship for eight months in the second academic year, we actively expressed our willingness to accept interns. To this end, Alvin briefly introduced White Matrix and our company’s main products to the students. Chain IDE is the world’s largest cloud-based IDE for smart contract design. It is an IDE specifically designed for blockchain platforms. By visiting the ChainIDE web service through an Internet browser, a blockchain developer can write, compile and deploy their smart contracts anytime anywhere. MoveCastle is the world’s first gamification tutorial for the Move language. The tutorial aims to teach Libra’s Move language in an interactive game, enabling zero-based beginners to learn the new programming language for free.

