White Matrix launches ChainWorkflow and ChainIDE Premium Experience Qualifications

Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2020

For supporting the “All people on the chain” assistance program of Ant Blockchain and ChainIDE developers, White Matrix now launches the ChainWorkflow and ChainIDE Premium experience qualifications.

ChainWorkflow blueprint workflow is the world’s first Chinese self-developed smart contract workflow tool. ChainWorkflow can help developers to switch between different development models and environments with one click through the self-defined formation and smart contract compilation of the whole system without repeatedly defining the workflow. As a project manager, you don’t need to know how to write smart contracts. You can easily manage and deploy the entire distributed system by dragging lines and setting your own strategy to execute the workflow. Omitting repeated compilation of the chain code layer greatly improves the programming efficiency. When switching from different on-chain environments, such as when a full set of tested and deployed distributed systems are officially used in production, ChainWorkflow can save 99% of setup and development time, greatly saving the marginal cost of the full set of systems.

ChainIDE Premium will fully open five major product systems of ChainIDE, ChainWorkflow, ChainAnalytics, ChainFormation, and ChainEducation under the White Matrix for core customers, enabling blockchain enterprises to accelerate the application development and system management in all aspects.

Event Rules:

1. ChainWorkflow: During the period of 4/27–5/4, users who purchase the professional version of the ant open consortium chain during the “All people on the chain” assistance program of ChainIDE developers will receive ChainWorkflow experience qualification;

2. ChainIDE Premium: During the period of 4/27–5/4, users who purchase the Ant Open Consortium Chain Enterprise Edition during the “All people on the chain” assistance program of ChainIDE developers will receive ChainIDE Premium experience qualification.

Participation Method:

Users who intend to purchase the professional and enterprise versions of the Ant Open Consortium Chain can add WeChat chunbaijuzhen (scan the QR code below) to obtain additional coupons for the exclusive channel of White Matrix. The number is limited, first come first served. After the payment is successful, add Wechat with the purchase record: chunbaijuzhen to activate the qualification. If you don't have WeChat or unable to use Wechat, you can use email: loong@matrixdapp.com to contact us.


Users with experience qualifications will receive 1 month before and 3 months after the official launch of ChainWorkflow and ChainIDE Premium for free use. In total, you can use them free for 4 months. The final interpretation of the event is owned by Nanjing White Matrix Technology Co., Ltd. within the scope allowed by law.

