White Matrix won the first prize of the 4th China Blockchain Development Contest

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3 min readAug 1, 2020

On July 31, 2020, the “Blockchain Technology and Application Summit and the Fourth China Blockchain Development Contest Results Release Conference” organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the China Electronics Standardization Institute and the Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Government, was held at the International Expo Center in Hangzhou. Nearly 300 representatives from local governments, enterprises and investment institutions attended this grand event.

White Matrix team conquered many stages including preliminary rounds, semi-finals, and finals, and eventually lived up to expectations. With the blockchain middleware ecology, we finally won the first prize of the 4th China Blockchain Development Contest in 2020.

With the birth and popularity of smart contracts, a large number of development needs have emerged. Many blockchain projects focus more on their own underlying development, ignoring the convenience of the smart contract development environment and imposing a lot of thresholds and marginal costs for developers.

White Matrix participating project ChainIDE middleware ecology is a product that helps global blockchain developers lower the threshold for getting started. ChainIDE can help developers quickly connect to the bottom layers of different blockchains, including more than a dozen mainstream consortium chains and public chain architectures, allowing developers to develop, compile, deploy, call, and debug smart contracts without any marginal cost and environment setup. ChainIDE has helped developers in more than 100 countries, compiled and deployed 1.6 million smart contracts, and is the world’s largest blockchain developer traffic portal now. Also, ChainIDE has a complete Chinese middleware open plug-in system and various advanced modules, which can help developers quickly get started with blockchain development.

Wu Xiao, CEO of White Matrix, said at the conference:

In the physical world, time cannot be manipulated, while in code time, we can help developers around the world save marginal costs.

The emergence of ChainIDE has undoubtedly helped thousands of professors, designers, and developers save at least one hour of environment and infrastructure setup costs. From this point of view, we have helped developers around the world save 1.6 million hours. Smart contracts can be compiled and deployed on different blockchains within 1 minute, which is the magic of time.

Finally, White Matrix thanked the organizer and various experts for their recognition of us. In the future, we will work harder to help more blockchain developers save marginal costs and accelerate the implementation of blockchain applications.

