How to work with interior designers?

Ugur Yavuz
White On White
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2019

Arranging and designing your interior is often a very nervous process and might be costly due to incorrect calculations and decisions. Some buy furniture that doesn’t fit or stay in the safe zone of boring schemes and color palettes. The best solution is to trust the experts — interior designers. Many don’t know where to start and what stages you need to go through to achieve the desired result? And is it complicated? Are there any guarantees? In today’s article, we’ll reveal everything you need to know about working with interior designers to make your dream home come true without losing nerves.

Isn’t it expensive to hire an interior designer?

I assume that you just bought a house or just moved in and decided to update the interior. Also, you probably feel lost and thus thinking about choosing the right interior designer. There are many myths associated with them. For example, some believe that professional services are overpriced and out of the budget, but we assure you that in the modern technological world with access to the internet (for example you can find an interior designer for even the smallest budgets. Moreover, an experienced interior designer in fact saves you money by suggesting the best deals and helps you to estimate the right budget.

For the majority of people, our houses’ walls are our protectors from the outside world, where you want to feel comfortable and safe. Thus we are seeking to beautify our protecting towers and to do this you need help from someone who knows how to do it very well.

Before you start looking for a specialist, we advise you to determine how much you are willing to spend on arranging your home.

So, it will be easier to narrow the circle of prospective candidates. Moreover, the designer will be able to guide you through the mysterious forest of prices and will explain to you what interior details are worth the money and where you can save. It will be difficult for you to do it yourself.

How to choose the right interior designer?

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The best way to understand whether an interior designer is right for you is to make an appointment with a few specialists. It helps to identify the one, who is more likely to understand your vision and aesthetics.

You should feel comfortable talking to him/her. A good interior designer has to be a good listener. Why is it important? Because you will be working closely together for an extended period of time from one to several months. During this time, only mutual understanding and trust spark the magic and makes your dream home come true. Great designer Ariel Okin at Homepolish says that the relationship between a customer and an interior designer is similar to dating (as in, you need to put in some work and ask the right questions). “I believe that an ideal working relationship between an interior designer and a client is founded on trust. If a client can trust where the designer is going with the creative vision and roll with it, that makes for the most fun and exciting — and not to mention, beautiful — projects.”

How to explain your vision?

Once you have approved the interior designer, the next step is a technical part.

Create the mood board or pictures gallery of the desired interior, furniture, color scheme, decor. And most importantly, provide a list of habits and interests of your family members. Creating a stylish and interesting interior is only one side of a coin. Great design is also functional. Talk with your interior designer about each family members’ function. Do you like to read a book in the evening, do yoga in the morning or maybe you would like to have more shelves for all your child’s trophies? Explain which function within a room interior designer should consider.

It is common to feel confused and be bombarded by chaos in your head. Don’t be shy about it and describe your vision of the interior and tell him/her what inspires you. Well-known interior designer Nate Berkus said, “Your home should talk about who you are and keep what you love.”

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In case you are absolutely clueless, the designer can help you:
1. Offer a portfolio of his/her works, which will give you an idea of what is possible and what inspires you the most.
2. Ask you additional questions that will help you generate new ideas.

What is next?

Only after meetings, measurements of the living area and filling out questionnaires, the designer begins the preparation of technical specifications. The interior designer collects the necessary information, structures your ideas, shows whether the selected design is suitable for your premises and fills out the necessary papers that you’ll need to approve.

Remember that the wrong technical specifications harm you on a greater scale. Discuss even the smallest details. The interior designer must clearly understand your requirements.

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The work of the designer will last from one to several months. During this time, you need to set deadlines and at what level the contact will be maintained so that the designer and you can control the process of translating your ideas into reality. Unpleasant situations and misunderstandings often occur between the client and the designer. Therefore, you need to realize that it is your task to explicitly tell on time what you did not like. So that the designer has time to make adjustments.

To wrap it all up,

Following the above simple recommendations, you can now hire an interior designer for your new house or apartment and will be aware of the possible pitfalls in communicating with him/her. Don’t be afraid to resort to the services of professionals, because they simplify the process and bring aesthetics into our lives.

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