Community Call Notes #7–4/1/22

White Whale
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2022

Notes from Community Call on April 1, 2022, at 1 pm EST on our Twitter

No TerraSpaces Recording this week. You can listen here instead.


Gov Poll #5 — In Progress — Protocol Fee Buybacks

  • All fees collected by treasury will be used to execute regular buyback of WHALE token
  • Withdrawal fees (0.1%), arb fees (20%), Flash Loan fees (0.1%)
  • Bought back tokens are held in the Treasury removing them from the circulating supply

Flashloan Documentation!

The documentation walks you through:

  • Explanation of Flash Loans
  • Applications of Flash Loans
  • How to use Flash Loan contracts.
  • Other resources including a starter flash loan smart contract

Growing the Team

  • Added two new team members this week
  • Our plans require more devs.

Kado Partnership — ‘Buy UST’ button will be added to FrontEnd

  • Easiest Terra onramp
  • Makes it easier for non-terra native users to use our UST vault and/or buy Whale token
  • Plans to work with Kado more in the future

Arb Transaction Dashboard

  • Shows the most recent arbitrage transactions
  • Shows the profit, the arb pairs, the time and txhash

CoinmarketCap and Coingecko Price feeds fixed

  • After migration to vUST-Whale price feeds stopped working

Dev Updates

  • Price Chart and TVL Chart are fixed (they were not refreshing to the present date)
  • Circulating supply API about to be deployed, meaning CG and CMC will soon show accurate Market Cap

Arbitrage Bot Updates

  • Making big strides
  • IBC tokens on Terra Dexes
  • Recently, having a hit rate of 20%, in line with our competitors
  • Added 3 and 4 stop multipath functionality

▹ 3 stop ex. UST-Luna(Terraswap) Luna-Loop (Loop) Loop-UST (Loop)

▹ 4 stop ex. UST-pLuna(Loop) pLuna-cLuna (Loop) cLuna-Luna (Loop) Luna-UST (Astroport)

Albeit our average profit size is still small, we are working to multiply the number of small profit trades. Additionally, we are working to become faster to be first to the arb opportunity enabling us to make a larger profit.


Arbitrage Bot: Some Next Steps (that we can disclose)

  • Pay fees in SET to reduce cost
  • Adding functionality to arbitrage contracts to deposit and withdraw assets from contracts and then use the assets in arbitrage paths

Ex. deposit UST to anchor to get aUST then trade with aUST-UST pool on dex

Luna Vault Expected Soon:

  • Currently, running tests on testnet

Brainstorming passive income strategies for vault for when there are no arb opportunities for Luna Vault

  • Lend Luna on Mars and borrow UST and put in Anchor, advantage is borrow position can be closed as soon as arb opportunity arises
  • Plain stake, the downside if the opportunity arises this luna can’t be used for arb opportunity would only plain-stake luna in excess.

Other Vault Ideas

Details are a work in progress and are being discussed in our discord.

  • BTC Vault
  • Rune Vault
  • Degen Vault

Governance V2 Plans

  • Will utilize Astroport Governance contracts for xWhale, vxWhale

The next community call will be on 4/15/22 on our Twitter.

