White Whale Deploys on Injective!

White Whale
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2022

Flash loan vaults and AMM pools are now live on Injective. If you haven’t caught up on White Whale V2, read our whitepaper and listen to our twitter space with Tendermint Timmy!

We are live at: https://app.whitewhale.money.

After passing a governance vote, we are happy to announce the launch of our Liquidity Hub on Injective. Injective has built the first on-chain central limit order book (CLOB) primitive, which has perfect synergies with the White Whale Bot First Pools (BFPs). The Liquidity Hub brings novel AMM and flash loan primitives to the Injective ecosystem. We hope to grow Injective and help them accomplish its mission to be the first DeFi-specific chain in the Cosmos.

What are the benefits of White Whale deploying on Injective?

  • AMMs provide liquidity to the Injective CLOB primitive during black swan events.
  • AMM-CLOB interactions help to further stabilize pricing for assets.
  • AMM-CLOB interactions increase transaction volume, generating more fees for Injective and White Whale.

If you want to dive deeper into what White Whale brings to Injective, you can:

White Whale brings Flash loans & Arbitrage

White Whale continues to be rooted in furthering open and accessible networks as we bring Flash Loans and Arbitrage to Injective. That is why we have created an open-sourced Generalized Flashloan Router, which allows you to call Flash Loans in a straightforward manner. You can find the link to our Flashloan Docs here:


In addition, we open-sourced our trading bot and are giving the community easy instructions in our docs on how to make use of it:

About Injective:

  • Smart contracts platform optimized for decentralized finance applications
  • 138 Million+ transactions
  • 7.7 Billion cumulative volume
  • 0 downtime
  • 200k community members

What White Whale launch means for Injective:

  • AMMs working in conjunction with CLOB in order to make for a better trading experience
  • Interchain atomic arb enabled among Injective and Terra and Juno liquidity hubs
  • New DeFi primitive: Flash loans

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and join our discord to stay in the loop.

Support the White Whale team by delegating to our validators on Terra 2.0, Juno, Chihuahua, andInjective.

