How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2017

Contrary to what everyone else believes, the important choices in life are simple. They can either be broken down into multiple steps or when broken down, a different perspective is given to the action that you want to make. In both cases, choice gets resolves and you will get another chance to reassess the path you took. If it isn’t obvious by now, let me summarize it in a single sentence.

“The hardest part about having a choice isn’t when you are trying to make it, it’s the process that leads to a million different scenarios that you don’t want to happen.”

As you can probably tell, humans have a habit of overthinking even when it comes to the simplest choices in life and we spend each waking moment deciding what to do next. We sweat the little things, but somehow have a bigger endgame in mind. In fact, you’re probably in the middle of making a choice right now and that’s whether or not you agree with my perspective. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to sweat the little things and make rash decisions, but there is a more effective way to approach the process. It’s less stressful and your brain will thank you later, I promise.

Here goes nothing…

Think before you speak

Remember that time when you told your longtime crush that he/she was the one and you got shut down because he/she didn’t feel the same way. How about the time when you went into your first few interviews thinking that you were invincible and got tongue-tied when it came time to sell yourself. What about now at this very moment, how are my words affecting your actions in the future? Instead of spending hours upon hours proofreading and perfecting my pitch to YOU, I am writing each and every word in real-time as it pops in my head. It may not seem like much, but these words mean a lot to me as they are the experiences that I came from in order to get to where I am today. Now the question is, how are you receiving the words that I’m telling you right now?

Take that feeling in your gut and match it up against the important decisions you made in your life. If the feelings matches, then congratulations I am saying exactly what you want to hear and we are on the same page. If it doesn’t match, how do you think others are receiving your message when you pitch these same ideas in your own way?

Stop thinking and start taking action

When life gives you lemons, make as much lemonade as possible so that you can be rich quicker. There is no better way to spend this summer than to sell lemonade to others and take advantage of the hot weather and the refreshing taste of lemonade. You can always take that money you earned and reinvest it into the business, then move on to the next idea after summer is over. Now some of you might be thinking:

“Wait, that’s not right. I would do change this, that, and so on. I know how to make my money and there are a millions ways that I could do that better!”

Well, you’re right. I can’t tell you how to make money because your way does work better and its tailored to what you’re good at doing. It’s the same way that I know what works for me and I have specific ways of handling situations that I’m exposed to on a daily basis. So tell me, why are you seeking so much advice from others and copying what others are doing if you are so good at making money in the first place? Why do you spend hours on Youtube or go to conferences if you know how to make a difference in the lives of so many people? Why does a creator spend so much time refining their craft if all they are going to do is keep it for themselves and not sell it to the public?

Don’t answer that because you’re wrong and the reason that I know that is because I’m on the same boat. We both have opinions on the matter but there a million different answers to the questions that I just presented in from of you. You and I can spend out lives figuring out which is the true answer, but we’ll never succeed because the right answer is in the eye of its beholder. The truth is, there is no right answer and the easiest way to move forward is to make the mistake and worry about the consequences later. While there is a limit to how much tolerance there is when making mistakes, I’m sure you’re smart enough to know the difference…

People will remember you for the actions that you take, not what you told them.

You are truly the master of your own destiny. There is nothing in the world that you can possibly do to make everyone hate you. Every human makes mistakes and while others say that they are perfect, perfection is overrated and mythical at best. If you woke up one day feeling like you’re on top of the world, pass on the energy to those around you. Contribute to the well-being of others the same way that others will contribute to your well-being. Add value to your conversations by showing why your perspective is right and how it’s benefiting you at this very moment. Learn to sway people by taking their hand and leading them down the path you’re taking because it will either lead to a successful venture or go horribly wrong and you’ll both be in the mess together. Take a moment and look the other person in the eyes before you give out your message. Lastly, feelings are everything and if you are able to reach another person on an emotional level, they will remember you forever!!

In conclusion, you are the only person that can change the world even though there are a million paths to get there. You are unique and amazing in your own way and a valuable member of society. You are impactful and have the potential to be even greater. The separation lies in determining which path you want to take first in order to get to the next step, then the next step after that, so on and so forth.

Did you get the message now?



Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.

Planning a hostile takeover of the world. | Just a cool dude looking to make a name for himself @r0wvin | Owner of White Wolves Co. on Medium | Editor at Ravina