Three Steps To Becoming A Better Entrepreneur

Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.
Published in
5 min readJun 4, 2017

For the longest time, I grew up under the impression that the best way to attain happiness was to go to school and get a good paying job. Everywhere that I looked, there would be someone who reinforced the idea that my happiness would be determined by how much money I made and how much effort I put into the process of attaining my future degrees. In fact, I come from a family of college graduates who went on to do great things in life, but little did I know that their successes and failures would shape the way that I lived my life. With that said, here are the three steps to becoming a better entrepreneur.

There are endless ways to bring happiness into your life…

Contrary to what I believed previously, happiness comes in many forms. You don’t need to have the best paying job to live the life that you want, you just need to be able to love what you are doing while you are doing it. You also don’t necessary need a degree to be happy because you can now learn every skill and requirement that you are interested in learning. To put these ideas into perspective, the happiest people that I’ve met so far don’t have the luxuries that many of us have in our lives. They make do with what they have and think about the excess stuff later. They live in the moment even if it might divert them from their ultimate goal in life. Lastly, they’ve been able to find an endgame where they would be happy no matter what happens next in their lives. The funny part about all this is that they chose this type of lifestyle because it best suited what they required from the world. They didn’t need much except for the clothes on their back, a roof over their heads, and the will in order to push through obstacles when necessary. Did I forget to mention that they work for some of the biggest tech companies and make $100k+ per year?? It goes to show that money isn’t everything and doesn’t necessarily lead to a happier way of living. It just allows you to do more in life when handled properly.

You must be willing to fall in order to succeed…

The strongest woman in my life is my mom. She gave up everything to ensure that I grew up knowing that I was valuable and great enough to make an impact on the world. When I would sit around my computer thinking of ideas, she did everything to make sure that I was eating right and rooted for me no matter what the obstacles were. In fact, there was a point when I took it for granted and didn’t realize just how valuable it was to have such a blessing to guide me through the pitfalls of life. If you are reading this mom, the following is true:

“There is nothing like the love of a parent because no one else is crazy enough to drop everything just to make sure you’re taken care of. With a parent, there is no such thing as selfishness, but selflessness because they brought you into this world for a reason and that reason always has a purpose attached to it.”

We all want to have a purpose in life, but the journey has to start from somewhere. If you are fortunate enough to be in the same situation, I advise you to explore the option of keeping your parents around to give you the sage wisdom that you’ve been looking for. If you aren’t as fortunate, then find someone who serves the same purpose that a parent would because they will have years of experience to minimize the damage that occurs from falling and will lift you up from the deepest abyss should you fall too deeply.

Ultimately, entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be lonely if you are able to surround yourself with people who look out for one another. While it sounds easier to do everything by yourself, you are never truly alone because there are people out there who are trying to impact the world in the same way that you are trying to impact the world. Truthfully, there will be moments when you feel like the world is slowly suffocating you, planting the notion that you weren’t cut out to be an entrepreneur, but trust the process and the people who are helping to get you there. It’s all going to be worthwhile in the end, I promise.

When the weight of the world is on your shoulders, BREATHE (Be Realistic, Every Action Today Helps Everybody)…

A teacher once told me that humans are creatures of habit because we don’t make the best decisions when faced with stressful situations. There were plenty of times when I was not satisfied with the process or the time it took to build my businesses from scratch. I spent a lot of time trying to find shortcuts, tricks, and templates in order to justify what I wanted my business to look like in the future. The problem with this habit was that I never finished what I started because I would look too far into the future and try to squeeze another layer in to keep myself busy. Before I knew it, my plate was too full to manage and everything came crashing down like a wall of bricks. Like any good entrepreneur, I found a way to get back up and start the process over again only to find myself making the same mistake over and over again. After a couple of failed ventures and lots of sleepless nights, I finally took a step back to assess the damage and found the source of my problem. I was so invested in the idea that I forgot about why I wanted to start it in the first place, so I made the proper adjustments and created a rule for myself. If I found myself in a similar position where I was under an extreme amount of stress, I would drop what I was doing and BREATHE.

By being realistic and accepting that every move will contribute to my endgame, I was able to build the foundation for the platform that you are reading about today. I found that my experiences has the capacity to help others achieve their dreams in life and I enjoyed watching others go through the process in a way that I couldn’t, full throttle without looking back.

With that said, here is a tl;dr of what I covered in this article:

  • Find what truly makes you happier in life without the judgment of others.
  • You must fall before you can learn to be successful in your venture.
  • Remember to BREATHE or Be Realistic, Every Action Today Helps Everybody.

See you all when the next article comes out!!!



Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.

Planning a hostile takeover of the world. | Just a cool dude looking to make a name for himself @r0wvin | Owner of White Wolves Co. on Medium | Editor at Ravina