When you follow your passion…

Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2018

A little over a week ago, I had the unique opportunity to chase my passion full-time. During that short amount of time, I’ve learned the following lessons:

Change is hard, but it pushes you to think differently

As a rule of thumb, it’s not the best idea to complain about anything that is beyond your control but this is an exception because it had the shortest amount of turn-around in my entire professional career. The switch caused me to think differently about my actions and forced me to look deep within myself to find whether or not I’m cut out to make my own income from scratch. Instead of doing things because I had some time freed up, I am now making decisions for the sole purpose of surviving the next couple weeks. There’s no paycheck waiting for me at the end of the week, I am now on my own.

While the entire situation was beyond my control, I learned to become more self-sufficient. I’m free to make decisions that I wouldn’t be able to before because I am my own boss and my progress solely depends on how I utilize my time each and every day. It has been a hard but enlightening experience because I’m constantly learning and grateful for everything that comes my way. In fact, the mere action of switching from one mode to another in mere minutes is a skill in itself. I feel more productive and full of energy throughout the day. I am free to go out and explore my city. I can do just about anything at the snap of a finger. Maybe change isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

In the first 48 hours, I finished the two projects that were just sitting on my list

Like any aspiring entrepreneur/developer, the process of knocking out tasks from my list should be an easy one. I should be able to prioritize and minimize the need of moving a majority of my tasks to the next day. I didn’t have the luxury of knocking out all of my tasks on any given day. In fact, there was so such on my plate that my tasks kind of just sat there idly waiting for the check mark. Fast forwarding to now, I’m always in the process of creating new tasks and I’ve knocked out pretty much every task from the last year. Two of these tasks were projects that I’ve never had the time to get around to. The first being my personal portfolio where I showcase my projects and skills to my future employers and the second being the start of an agency that allows me to help my creative peers and businesses succeed in a social media-driven market. It’s amazing what you can do with enough time on your plate.

My personal portfolio can be found at rowvin.com. I’m working on the final touches of the second project and it’ll be released soon.

What do I plan to do next?

After a week of doing whatever I want and with time on my side for the first time in forever, I’m looking forward to whatever comes next. I plan to finish my last year of school and challenge myself to become a better entrepreneur/developer by learning from my peers and listening to podcasts that pique my interest. As I start a new chapter in my life, I hope that my readers join me through the journey by either interacting with me on social media or letting me know what you think about the article in the comments below. Don’t forget to clap as much as possible!!

Until the next time,




Rowvin Dizon
White Wolves Co.

Planning a hostile takeover of the world. | Just a cool dude looking to make a name for himself @r0wvin | Owner of White Wolves Co. on Medium | Editor at Ravina