AMA with DOGIRA | Transcript

Published in
8 min readApr 18, 2021

Q: How did you get the idea to combine a dog and a dinosaur, and what should this symbolize?

A: A big part of “Dogira” was: “What shows that we want to develop something which makes Cryptocurrency fun for the average person again but also has far bigger plans than just being a flash-in-the-pan meme token?”.

So.. taking Doge and making him a 30-story tall Lizard beast came to mind. It is possibly a bit too literal, in hindsight — but it’s certainly eye-catching enough to have people pay notice!

For us, though, we’re symbolizing a token that’s much larger than what the surface may show. Everyone loves seeing fun imagery on the front of a coin, but the coin itself must have some inherent power behind it. Otherwise, when the imagery starts wearing thin, there’s nothing to fall back on. It’s something we see a lot of lately with tokens that gain massive overnight success but suddenly start stalling and dropping due to there being no real development plans or utilities on offer below the surface.

This was something very big for Dogecoin in particular; it was never “just a meme token”. It had a vibrant developer ecosystem — new tools and utilities were created almost every day. Very early casino and dice games were built using Doge — ASICs were volt modded and added to community arrays, tipbots ran rampant on Reddit, and stores were operating within days of the coin launching.

This is what tokens need to survive — real utility and real use-cases. And in what’s currently a very crowded marketplace, you also need to be larger than life.

Q: Are you a meme token? If not, what was the idea of creating your token? Do you have any specific features which could become your competitive advantage?

A: Dogira has a meme on the front of the coin, but it is anything but a meme coin. Dogira symbolizes a creative and fun environment within the Blockchain 3.0 landscape, and spearheaded by a team of Industry Professionals, Dogira sets out to perfect the formula in creating a dual Asset/Utility token with long-term tangible value and real use cases.

Front and center in our minds for creating Dogira’s competitive advantage and major use-case is in Native Blockchain Gaming, supported by our NFT Ecosystem. We want to be at the forefront in bringing the power of the Blockchain to Game Developers and Creators, in a fashion that’s easy to use and understand — alongside one that helps empower the experiences they create, rather than adding a technical hindrance.

Alongside this, we’ve already seen great success with our Value-focused NFT offerings, with our first Investment NFT selling out $35,000 worth of stock in under 10 hours! With the first kite flown and showing a massive market opportunity in this area, we’ll be continuing to place a high priority on the emerging NFT marketplace and all of the opportunities it provides to both creators and investors.

The Dogira team is extremely excited for the upcoming weeks, months, and years ahead. And while memes are certainly a welcome addition to our community channels, we’re about as far away from a meme token as you can get.

Q: You are one of the original developers who worked on Dogecoin and helped solve Dogecoin’s issues. What was that issue, and how does your experience with Dogecoin and crypto, in general, affect the work you are doing with Dogira Token?

A: The most immediate problem Dogecoin faced came in the form of multi pools. These were massive pools of miners, which collectively mined whatever script-based coin was the most profitable at any given time. Once a huge amount of mining power is applied to a coin, the coin would respond in kind by raising the difficulty level of mining in order to ensure it didn’t produce more coins than intended over a given timeframe. In some cases, mining became so difficult that the developers had to reach out to other multi pools and ask them to help us get through blocks, and get coins generating again.

I worked with the Digibyte Team to implement their Gravity Well algorithm into Dogecoin, which in short, caused difficulty levels to spike up extremely fast into unoptimal (but not impossible/unprofitable) mining levels when a spike in mining power was detected — and then caused those difficulty levels to drop quickly in the event of that mining power leaving. This meant that Dogecoin was rarely (if ever) worth mining for multi pools and that even if the event that it was — it quickly became unprofitable for them, and back into being profitable for average miners.

Alongside this, I volunteered as a moderator on the /r/dogecoin subreddit for our first year in operation, and assisted our own “Hashrate Protection” groups; where I supplied and voltmodded ASICs at-cost to our community members, ensuring that as much mining power stayed in the hands of the community where possible. This helped to ensure that Dogecoin remained a community-owned coin and could continue growing as such.

Q: We understand you created a game on Steam called “split or steal”, and it got the #1 spot on steam for quite some time. Do you intend on bringing some of the mechanics of the game over to Dogira’s future Native Blockchan gaming?

A: Wouldn’t that be great? It’s really fantastic to think that a small game I built that got far more attention than I thought was possible could now come full-circle back to the crypto world.

Split or Steal fits into Dogira’s vision perfectly — it’s a simple-to-understand game focused on earning currency in a very social online setting. Once we begin diving into Blockchain Native Gaming, I think Split or Steal could potentially serve as an amazing launchpad title for it.

Right now, we’re looking at how we can incorporate Split or Steal into Dogira’s world without needing to revamp the entire game in a short period of time — and we’re looking towards running in-game events which award players with Dogira for winning competitions, or hitting certain milestones.

So, we’re already looking at how we can make an immediate entry into the gaming market together — and certainly, we’ll be continuing to look at how we can further this integration once we begin launching our Native Blockchain Gaming SDK/API’s!

Q: Your roadmap says that you are going to create games. What kind of games will they be? Can you tell us more about that?

A: The possibilities really are endless in this, where we won’t have to strap ourselves into a certain genre, or need to build the game around the Blockchain — but rather, we’ll be able to use the Blockchain to enhance the type of games that we already want to create.

As a quick example here — we could imagine someone has developed an Online FPS, and it’s already ready for launch. Let’s assume it has no progression or levelling/currency systems. How can Blockchain fit in to a project like this, is there a use-case?

The answer is yes, definitely. The Blockchain’s power has always been in validity. When a transaction is confirmed on the Blockchain, that’s someone telling us that yes, that transaction is valid. In short, it “played by the rules”.

This is something that can be very powerful when it comes to the gaming world. Anti-cheat technology has come a very long way, but it’s always in an arms race against those who would write malicious software intended at breaking the rules of a game in order to gain a competitive advantage. Blockchain-level verification would pose as one of the most powerful anti-cheat mechanisms imaginable, and essentially serve as a nuclear weapon in the arms race; it’s the end-game of anti-cheat technology.

This type of innovation is what we want to bring to the forefront with Dogira. Even if your game hasn’t been designed specifically for the Blockchain, it can still enhance the experience for your players — and that’s where we want our Native Blockchain Gaming SDK/API to be. Something that can empower, and help create any experience.

Oh, and for anyone who wants to check out Split or Steal, and imagine how it could fit in with the Blockchain world — you can do so here:

Q: You have mentioned Blockchain Native Gaming and NFT many times on your website. Could you tell us more about this in simple words? the information on the website is not entirely clear.

A: Of Course! Native Blockchain Gaming is a huge part of our ecosystem moving forward; it’s an innovation that has seen many talks but not a lot of development to date.

As another example of it’s usage from the above; imagine say, for example, an online poker game. Everyone can call their initial stakes, which would directly be tokens. These wouldn’t need to be pre-deposited or held in a massive house pot; you can just directly enter with your tokens. You can verify that the game is played perfectly to the rules, because the logic for the game is on the contract itself. It’s fully open and fair, and can be audited. The rules could never be secretly changed or altered, as it would invalidate the contract; these are set in stone.

Then you can look at more advanced use-cases; what if we were to implement even a single-player game which utilised native blockchain elements, instead of being fully native? You could trade with non-player characters, and they could offer you new tokens launched via our token/nft launchpad. You could even use NFTs you purchased to decorate your home, or wear on your character, or unlock other in-game items!

The possibilities are endless, and offer a whole new innovative experience to those either with a casual interest in gamified tokens or to those more core gamers who want a full experience, fleshed out with having real value, and verifiable ecosystems running behind them.

Q: Share with us your plans for the future. What goal do you want to achieve and how are you going to make your project better?

A: Our full roadmap is online at, which outlines our major goals for 2021 — namely, we want to expand on the NFT Ecosystem which we’ve already dipped our toes into with great success, and we want to start rolling out our Blockchain Gaming services.

Our most major goal for 2021 will be to release the first public alpha build of our Native Blockchain Gaming SDK/API to start directly showing developers the type of experiences that can be both created and empowered by the Blockchain — and, without major technical hindrances, or needing any deep understanding of how the Blockchain works at a low level.

Lastly, our NFT/Token Launchpad will help innovators launch their tokens, and NFTs curated/audited by the Dogira team, which can then take advantage of being hooked directly into Dogira’s ecosystem — offering them instant marketing visibility, alongside a massive range of hodlers within the Dogira community.

2021 is really shaping up to be a year of massive innovation across the Blockchain space, and we’re incredibly excited to be a part of it — and to spearhead as much of that march going forward as possible.




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