The one and only Baloo from The Jungle Book

#1: Scratch your own itch

Kayvon Olomi
Whiteboard’s Blog
2 min readDec 9, 2015


I really enjoy receiving questions and requests for advice when it comes to startups and technology. It is humbling to have people value my opinion and insight. The other day I was thinking, instead of just sharing my input and advice with the person that asks, why not share my responses with everyone?

Starting today, I am going to regularly share with you the feedback and advice I share with others and the lessons I have learned when it comes to building and launching a venture. Not just in technology, but any venture that an individual’s entrepreneurial spirit seeks to bring into fruition. Let’s get to it, shall we?

One of the first pieces of advice that has been valuable for myself is to be sure that whatever venture you are wanting build is solving a problem and addressing a need of your own. If you aren’t a customer of the service or product that you are providing, it is difficult to know and understand if you are truly providing value.

Build a venture out of a need, not greed.

Without scratching an itch or addressing a need of your own, you aren’t 100% sure if what it is you are providing is meeting the needs of others. It is from being in the trenches yourself that you can fully understand what it is you need to build and value that you need to provide.

Ideas at times might sound exciting and the illusion of opportunity might get you punch drunk i love, but does it address a pain point of your own, or does it excite you more because of the potential opportunity related to a financial gain? Don’t get distracted by something that might catch your eye as an easy way to make money. Build from a need, not greed.

Have a topic or anything particular you would like to hear about? Send me an email at



Kayvon Olomi
Whiteboard’s Blog

Focused on the little things in life. | Delivery boy @ Digital Milk Co.