Launch is just the starting gun, not the finish line

Kayvon Olomi
Whiteboard’s Blog
2 min readSep 18, 2015

Launching a product is a success to be celebrated but there is one thing that many forget, the launch of your product is just the start of the long race ahead of you. So many people cut themselves short and don’t realize their full potential because they view the launch of their venture as the finish line.

I often hear the saying “life is a marathon, not a sprint”, and as I get older, it makes more sense. This is true not just for life in general, but also when it comes to building and launching a new venture.

Everything leading up to launch can be summed up as your training for the big race. You might think the harder you sprint to it, the quicker you will reap the rewards but, in all reality, the launch of your venture is just the starting gun of the marathon. This is something that I remind myself as we approach the launch of Whiteboard.

Don’t throw in the towel before giving yourself, or your venture, a chance. There are very few ventures that hit their “finish line” at launch and the majority that we perceive as overnight successes are actually years in the making. Typically what you will find is that their ‘quick win’ is a marathon they have been running for years, you just don’t ever hear about it.

So lace ’em up tight! There is a long race ahead of you once the starting gun goes off at launch.

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Kayvon Olomi
Whiteboard’s Blog

Focused on the little things in life. | Delivery boy @ Digital Milk Co.