Reminders, Boards & more!

Whiteboard’s Blog
4 min readDec 8, 2015

The holiday season is in full swing and for those of you in the United States, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! November was a great month here at Whiteboard. We have some exciting new features and news to share with you. Without further ado, let’s jump into it!

Here is a quick rundown (TL;DR) of what we have been working on in November:

  • Say hello to boards! (on web app)
  • Addition of Reminders
  • Mobile web app launch
  • Best way to manage your projects in Whiteboard
  • Daily Reminder email

Say hello to Boards!

The title says it all! As of today, from within the web app, you have the ability to toggle the view of the To-dos section of a workspace to either the traditional view or a boards view!

Now it is easier to view all the tasks in a workspace without having to scroll and drill in and out of lists. Boards are also great for those teams out there that are practicing an agile methodology, whether that be Scrum or Kanban.

You can toggle the view with the options highlighted in the screenshot below. You can even drag and drop to-dos across lists! Login now and give it a whirl. We think you are going to love it!

Addition of Reminders

Has there ever been a time you wanted to have a gentle nudge or reminder of a task that you are needing to take care of? Starting today, you can now add Reminders to your tasks!

Add a reminder from the details screen of the to-do. As a quick note, if you are collaborating with others in a Shared workspace, you can only add reminders to a task if it is assigned to you.

We got a bit excited and rolled out the feature on our web app before the update was available on our iPhone, iPad and Android apps. Once those are approved, you will be able to add reminders on our mobile apps! Shouldn’t be longer than the end of next week : )

Mobile web app launch

Two weeks ago we quietly rolled out our mobile friendly web app. I am sure many of you had noticed in the past that when opening Whiteboard in a mobile web browser, it wasn’t too friendly or formatted properly. Now you can login and perform any action in our mobile web app just as if it was a native app on your phone!

With this addition, Whiteboard is also now responsive on our web app from your desktop or laptop computers! You can shrink the browser window and Whiteboard will adjust accordingly! Shrink it down and put it in the corner of the screen to have your to-do list visible and handy for whenever you need it! Check it out, it is pretty niffy.

Best way to manage your projects in Whiteboard

Thousands of you have told us that Whiteboard is the best task and project management tool you have used! One question that has risen to the top is what is the most efficient and productive way of managing projects?

We shared with teams and individuals what we have found to be the most efficient and productive way to manage projects over the past month and the response has been so great that we wanted to pass it along to you! Click here to read how to setup your workspace and organize your tasks for any project you are working on!

Daily Reminder email

The first thing that many of us do in the morning upon waking up is to reach for our phones and turn off our alarms…. and then check our email, right?!

We wanted to make it easier for you to quickly brief yourself on what to-dos are on your list in a manner that fits within your morning routine.

By navigating to the Notifications area under Settings, you can toggle the option to receive a Daily Reminder email and/or push notifications to let you know what is on your list for the day. Now you can wake up and know what exactly what you are going to tackle in your day!

We have found that individuals that are receiving daily reminder emails end up being more productive in their days. You should give it a try : )

Okay, we don’t want to get you too excited with everything we are doing here at Whiteboard! We have some great things lined up for the new year and we cannot wait to share them with you!



Whiteboard’s Blog

Take control of your day’s tasks, from collaborating on projects with clients and colleagues at work to managing your to-dos at home.