One Bitcoin Value will be $1 Million in 2025, Cryptocurrency Pioneer Tells PayPal CEO- Team WhiteMoney.

WhiteMoney Team
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2018

Dan Schulman, chief executive of PayPal, talks with bitcoin pioneer Wences Cesares about bitcoin, blockchain and fintech in a Facebook interview. Casares, a serial entrepreneur, has launched startups across South America and the United States, not the least of which is bitcoin wallet startup Xapo, which he currently leads. Cesares is also a member of the PayPal board. Schulman touts Cesares as one of the foremost authorities globally on bitcoin and blockchain.

Bitcoin & Blockchain Changing the World

Schulman pointed to the bitcoin price, which at the time of the interview was trading at $14,800, clairvoyantly predicting that the price could change even as he spoke. Bitcoin and blockchain have captured people’s attention because they view it as an “interesting experiment,” said Cesares. “If it works out, it could change the world more than the internet changed it,” he added.

Cesares warned, however, that given the nature of an experiment, bitcoin and blockchain “could also fail.” He gives the bitcoin and blockchain experiment a 20% chance — at least — of failure. He gave key investment advice, recommending that people don’t own more of the cryptocurrency than they can afford to lose.

But after the warning, Cesares provided a silver lining, saying there’s greater than a 50% chance that the bitcoin and blockchain experiment will succeed. But industry participants must be patient, as it will take anywhere from five years to a decade before that success is solidified.

In a successful experiment, he pointed to a different world and “concrete economic consequences,” saying “one bitcoin is going to be worth $1 million. So, most of the world is going to wish they had bought it at $14,000 or $20,000” the risk notwithstanding and putting today’s bitcoin price declines in perspective.

