WhiteMoney and its Financial Business Plan.

WhiteMoney Team
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018

WhiteMoney is a platform created for buyers and sellers all over the world. With an easy-to use online store builder, any seller is able to create their own storefront to sell their goods, while making use of the platform’s wide range of features for a minimal fee.

Our service offers great opportunities for self-employed entrepreneurs, small-scale manufacturers, family businesses and makers of handmade crafts, such as a selection of tools for direct customer feedback, bookkeeping, sales analysis, advertising and promotion, as well as a convenient, user-friendly interface.

WhiteMoney integrates all the necessary tools for starting the trade and promoting the products to other countries’ markets.

One of the main features of WhiteMoney is the use of blockchain technology, which allows to make the platform transparent, open and as safe as possible for both transaction parties, reduces transaction costs and business costs, and simplifies the purchase process.

Decentralization, globalization and the opportunities presented by the use of cryptocurrency in the project are our competitive advantages over business solutions existing in the market today.

The key part in the system is assigned to token. Paying for a purchase in tokens the customer may count on the best offer. The sellers’ need to pay the fees and other platform services in WhiteMoney will ensure the growth of its value on the exchange.

Join the WhiteMoney ecosystem community and be part of the resilience and strength of the value of WhiteMoney. and gain a variety of benefits by becoming part of the global community of WhiteMoney that has been present throughout the world

Merchant Platform

find it easy to transact WhiteMoney in all merchants that have collaborated around the world. directly use your wallet in transactions. you also have the opportunity to join a WhiteMoney merchant and get the convenience and benefits of being a merchant and WhiteMoney user

WhiteMoney ATM Machine

WhiteMoney is supported by withdrawal service using an atm machine where you have the convenience of withdrawing WhiteMoney directly into fiat money with a withdrawal system via barcode scanner on your WhiteMoney wallet

WhitePay & WhiteFinance

Whitepay is a highly multifunctional Whitefinance application that you can use as payment gateway and also buy various needs like hotel voucher, airline ticket, tour package and more. Whitefinance will release in august 2018

www.whitemoney.io — Whitemoney Coin

White Assurance

White assurance is one of the flagship business units of WhiteMoney. where Whiteassurance is the first insurance business in the world to use cryptocurrency as a means of pay and value appraisal using WhiteMoney. will release in august 2018.

Our aim is to offer such solution to business!

WhiteMoney is a marketplace platform designed to allow anyone to create an online store that will make good use of the most advanced technologies in the ecommerce field, including the option to pay for goods with cryptocurrencies and WhiteMoney.

Our aim is to connect producers all over the world and supply business with the necessary tools for launching of one-of-a-kind merchandises to the global market with minimal transaction fees and without any financial borders, intermediaries or annoying bureaucratic routine.

We will unite producers from all over the world in order to create our own economical ecosystem that will take e-commerce to a new level.

Each year the number of people who regularly shop online keeps growing. According to the Global E-commerce Report marketing study by Nielsen (a company focused on the FMCG industry marketing measurements), the number of online shoppers increases annually by an average of 16% and now it amounts to 1.66 billion worldwide.

There are more than 1.5 billion customers of online marketplaces in the world

The volume of the global e-commerce amounts to trillions of dollars annually. The leaders in expenditure are China, USA, Great Britain and Japan.

In view of the consumer demand in the e-commerce field, more and more small and medium companies need the assistance of marketplaces for launching their products to new markets and attracting new clients.

According to the forecast of the eMarketer research agency, the market share of ecommerce companies in global retail trade is expected to increase and will have reached 15% by 2021. Thus, e-commerce is exhibiting considerable influence on the development of global trade.

It is important that 45% of brand-name item purchases have been made in 2017 via marketplaces, not in the official online shops of the brands.

