Improving the teamwork or how my colleagues didn’t kill me after finishing the Tough Mudder race

Anna Peniašková
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017
White October team before the race

In November last year I had managed to recruit my colleagues to do an obstacle race. How did this happen? I still have no idea how I was able to get so many of them to be honest! You can read more about how I approached this in my previous post.

As we were getting closer to the end of April people got more and more nervous as they start realising what they had got into. However, I was getting more and more excited! I have to admit I was secretly looking forward seeing my colleagues covered in mud and battling through some of the obstacles. I could already hear them moaning and swearing! But it is only 5 miles so I should be safe right? I was a bit worried about their feedback at the end but actually it went extremely well as they loved it.

Some happy faces during the Hero Carry

“At first I was terrified when my colleague signed me up, I ended up thanking them afterwards.”
Jordan Baker

As I already mentioned we signed up for 5 miles (Tough Mudder Half) and that meant we had to defeat 13 obstacles in total. Easy. You can view more details about all of them in here. We ended up with a team of 12 that consisted of designers, developers and management team and we covered various fitness strengths. This made us think what is the best way to approach some of the harder obstacles that required lots of teamwork to make sure we can all get over them as a team.

We had lots of fun during the Jeep Mud Mile!
Mud and water? Bring it on!

Big shout to all of my fellow White October mudders for a great event! I was very pleased to see all of them in a such a great mood and getting through every obstacle with no problems and smiles on their faces! We proved to ourselves that we are a great team not just in the office but in the field too.

“I signed up for Tough Mudder knowing I’d feel great afterwards but thinking I’d hate every moment of doing it. Actually I had great fun and it was a great bonding experience — there’s nothing like being covered in mud and climbing on your colleagues!”
Frances Place

Few “uncomfortable” moments weren’t a problem!

Doing a race like Tough Mudder is all about fun and teamwork. My colleagues did not want to believe me at all but after doing this together I can only ask one question: “So who is up for making this a regular company event?”

Great teamwork during the Blockness Monster

Thanks to White October for making this possible for our team and @ToughMudder for amazing race photos!

We did it!

