WhiteWall — Best protection for your personal information

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5 min readMay 7, 2018

These days I face more often with different situations when people incur losses because of stealing a personal data. Some days ago I saw the post of one of my friends on Facebook.

«Ian Balina — one of the leading ICO analytics, investor and advisor of many projects — has been robbed today. Hackers has obtained an access to all three his wallets and have transferred everything. Everyone, who can help with identification of persons responsible for this action, send an e-mail to ibalina88@gmail.com.

Please, don’t stay indifferent, because any of us can get in such situation and lose everything.

The second important thing is that hackers always try to make a fast withdrawal and that creates an additional pressure on market that no one wants»

Such situations always make me upset. And I don’t want to remain indifferent as the author of this post asked. I want to appeal to cryptocommunity. If you have big enough cryptocurrency assets, be very careful with access to your wallets. Especially if you manage someone’s asset.

Here are some rules that I follow.

I never store my assets on my work computer and I do nothing with my assets from this computer. Yes, it’s always with me, but it can be stolen or just stop working for a number of reasons.

My private keys are printed, but taking them with me everywhere I go may be even more unsafe. I store them in a secure place and a prompt access isn’t possible. Such approach is more like backup, as a last resort.

I’ve found an optimum solution

— a remote workstation (VPS) from company I collaborate with for long time. Initially I used Kryptos LLC services. In September 2017 my friend Rus23 decided to separate from the company. And in January 2018 he offered me to start a rival project — WhiteWall.tech

In the text below I try to explain why I’ve chosen this variant and why I find it the safest.

The important point is I am not saying that it is necessary to use that option, but I recommend readers to consider it as a tool for your data protection.

While being working in various companies I used to work via remote machines and I found this very convenient. I could establish remote connection with a machine using any device and start working.

The pros of protected workplace.

1. Level of data protection on VPS.

Data protection is implemented via various methods.

Connection to a machine is being processed using the RDP protocol. This means that it is impossible to intrude open session without interrupting of current connection, this excludes chance of ManInTheMiddle attack.

Logging in protection.

It is necessary to know the following data for logging in:

• connection port;

• login;

• password;

2FA authorization is used as a measure of additional security: you will get a notification to your cellphone via special application at the moment of connection. Even if an intruder somehow receives first three parameters, the connection will be declined and breaked if you will not confirm access.

Traffic filtering and mixing.

All the VPS are located under filtering nodes protection which not allow any connections except of the ones which are accepted by the system. All the data stored at VPS are being encrypted with hardware encryption (BitLocker) and, additionally, with software encryption (VeraCrypt). Encryption is processed in the background, so it is almost unnoticeable.

In addition we recommend every user to encrypt the data with VeraCrypt if he or she does not trust our service. For this purpose we can provide additional data storage in amount of 100 Gb.

Data migration.

Even encrypted data is not stored in a single place for a long time. The data keeps migrating between data centres in different countries. Migration frequency reaches 1 time per 24 hours. As a result, the whole working space migrates.

All data centers with which we cooperate are connected by channels with a bandwidth of up to 100 Gb / s. Directly for migration, we use 10 Gb / s channels, which allows it to be carried out quickly and unnoticed by the user. Reconnection to the workplace is carried out after copies of customer`s data are transferred and takes no more than 15 seconds. The old machine on which the data was located is completely cleaned and does not leave traces of customer presence.

Connecting to the Internet

The output to the network with VPS is through our own VPN, developed on the basis of OpenVPN. Further, to accelerate the loading of images and other graphic content, we use the Globax network.

Anonymity of work on the Internet

It is achieved by the parallel use of two systems. The first one is the company’s own development, which is responsible for mixing traffic and replacing system data that the user’s VPS uses. The second one is the JAP network, which provides traffic encryption, bypass of websites blocking and IP-address substitution.

2. Pricing

The price of 150 USD for VPS is well founded. Let me describe from what does it consist of in short words: traffic payment, rental racks, software licensing.

Why in my opinion it is inexpensive? For example, a Windows license will cost you 200 USD, and Microsoft Office — 100 USD per year. Also, we can provide users with other licensed software from such companies as 1C, Microsoft, etc. Eventually, your fully licenced personal computer may cost you even more than VPS per year.

And the most important thing for which I am willing to pay, is the security of my data

Very soon you will be able to buy a secure VPS from WhiteWall

The project provides a loyalty system. For the purchase of products and services, we reward customers with bonuses in the company’s tokens. By paying for VPS services, the user receives WHW tokens to the specified Ethereum wallet. Later, with these tokens, he will be able to pay for the company’s products and services.

In the first month, those who paid the service receive tokens in the amount of 40% of the amount spent. From the second month on condition of timely payment — 20%.

At the start of the project, the special offer is valid: the first 100 customers who bought VPS in the first month of connection receive 80% of the purchase amount, the next 100 customers — 60%.

The price of the token is calculated from the average price on the exchanges at the time of the transaction, both when distributing tokens, and when paying with it.

To summarize, I would like to say that only we can ensure the security of our data. And the price of this data is different for everyone. Treat it with due responsibility.

How to use our services?✉️

To purchase VPS, you have to send an e-mail with name of tariff plan you’ve chosen to support@whitewall.tech

Contacts and resources.📫








