Why I Decided To Start A Patreon Page For My Podcast In 2020 During A Global Pandemic

Sam Whitfield
Whitfield Report
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2020


Why I started a Patreon Page

Look, I know that 2020 has been an insane year for everyone and money is tight right now so it probably seems crazy to a lot of you that I decided to start a paywall site in the middle of a global pandemic, but in all honesty, I see this as a golden opportunity to start my next evolution in podcasting. The podcast format is great and as many long time viewers/listeners of The Whitfield Report know, I’ve been hosting the podcast in one variation or another since I was only 13 years old. I’m 25 now so podcasting has been a long time passion of mine, and while I love the medium of podcasting, it too has its limits.

A lot of podcasters depend on ad revenue to make money which is easier said than done, especially for indie podcasters such as myself and even though TWR is hosted and monetized through Anchor, the ad revenue only helps so much. And then there are the content restrictions… you see, for quite a few years now, I’ve had people asked me to review music on the podcast which I always laugh at because this is nearly impossible with the current state of the music industry and big tech (looking at you YouTube) going after anyone who wants to talk about their favorite albums even if it’s in a fair use sense. With a paywall, I’m free to post music and movie review episodes which is exactly what I plan to do on my new podcast The Savage Express (available to $3 tier members and up) exclusively on Patreon! I’ll also be having on my IRL friends on the podcast, who either aren’t as political as I am and/or have no interest in appearing on a semi political podcast like TWR in the first place. This is freeform podcasting at its finest, and I can’t wait for you to listen!



Sam Whitfield
Whitfield Report

Creator and host of The Whitfield Report, and an all around good guy! Politics and Society commentary, Blogger, Author and Podcaster.