Characteristics of Excellent Blog Posts

Andrea Rehn
Whittier College, WSP
1 min readSep 26, 2014

#WSP101 members created a set of values to describe the blog posts which will be added to this collection


  • concise word choice
  • appropriate length for topic (no less than 2 mins read)
  • page layout appropriate to subject
  • posts include very few (less than 3)total grammar and spelling errors


  • creative approach to topic
  • humorous or engaging tone
  • ideas original
  • media integrated appropriately into writing so that images/videos add to meaning
  • catchy title
  • subheadings or textual divisions enable ease of reading


  • demonstrates original perspective
  • clear theme/ thesis
  • works cited adequately using the affordances of the medim (hyperlinks, etc.)
  • develops ideas through reference to other class materials and/or materials from elsewhere
  • addresses prompt thoughtfully


  • written in a spirit of helpfulness and kindness
  • point out grammar & spelling issues in private notes, for writer’s assistance
  • use “recommend” button at bottom of posts for finest posts only
  • are specific enough to aid writer as they revise



Andrea Rehn
Whittier College, WSP

Associate Professor of English, Director of DigLibArts @ Whittier, enthusiastic dancer. Twitter: @profrehn