Final Blog

Whittier College, WSP
2 min readDec 9, 2014


Blog 1: Attention vs the Internet
How keeping an attention log for the week showed me how distracting my favorite pasttimes can really be.

Blog 2: 5 Principles for the Future of Learning
My thoughts on the 5 most important aspects needed for successful learning in today’s world.

Blog 3: The Big Question — Thinking Out Loud
Discussing the question I ask myself as a future filmmaker of “How can I make films that will be remembered for generations to come?”

Blog 4: TED Talk — The Shared Wonder of Film
Beeban Kidron talks about her efforts to expand our world’s way of communicating by educating young adults with classic films.

Blog 5: Does Positivity Pay Off?
How Paulo Coelho’s ideas in The Alchemist helps me to answer questions about fate, destiny, and what role the Universe plays in it all.

Blog 6: Lesson Plan — Appreciating Film
My ideas and lesson plan for the class I taught on Film Appreciation.

Blog 7: TvsZ
Navigating Twitter in new ways through the online game, Technology vs Zen.

WSP 101 offered a really unique way of doing homework, and I appreciated the looser structure of the classes. My favorite part was getting to learn about all of the topics that are most important to my classmates during the student-taught lessons. Overall, I’m happy with the content I’ve created for this class, and I think the topics I wrote about seemed to link together really well throughout them all. The only thing that was difficult for me during these assignments was trying to write to the prompt without sounding like I was answering a specific set of questions. Although I still find it sort of difficult to break out of the more formal tone of writing that’s been drilled into my head since primary school, I think blogging for this class helped me to speak more freely than I would have been able to had our assignment ben to write essays instead.

