Shadowland Photo by Lightmary Flores

Reminiscing A Whimsical’s Collection

Lightmary Flores
Whittier College, WSP
5 min readDec 8, 2014


Creating a blog was not completely foreign as I have had my fair share of blogging with a cultural inspired blog called ℛubℴr-Dℯ-Pitaℎya. It was a medium that is quite distinct to my compositions as it is more of an intimate diary censored by the language that connects my home to my creative space. I have unfortunately abandoned but sincerely hope to take up again. I as there was that need of community that Medium fulfilled through a world that effectively connected the academia to the art of personal blogging which prompts an intrapersonal tone within a greater community.

September 18: Attention to the “Cyber” in Space
My blog of initiation commenced with a blog that explored the many faucets of technology after two weeks of measuring attention and perception as I participated on the web. I found through my reflections that the internet poses two extremes to which it could potentially serve to seal the gap between what it means to be an “active citizen” and what it means to be a passive individual.

This blog proved to be an intellectually stimulating experience for me as upon actually typing away, I had brained stormed some key words that I felt represented my journey through cyberspace which were: active citizen, the transformation and reversing of youth and parental guidance and the integrity of traditional learning. Overall, this blog proved to be a hit and perhaps to others as it is my most recommended post.

September 23: Scholarly Ambitions
Cathy N. Davidson’s “ Pillar’s of Institutional Pedagogy: Ten Principals for the Future of Learning,” was the inspiration for this post. In this post I explored how Davidson’s use of “self-learning”, “open source culture”, “institution” and “open education” has progressed in our culture. I also reflected on these terms everyday applications as a middle child of a culture that enforces digital literacy by personally redefining them.

October 2: My big question on what makes social medicine
For this post I decided to go with a clean slate and focus on the preventaive measures that the video at hand provided. I chose this video because it’s one that we all might have seen that impacts or should impact a consumer’s emotions. However the effects of smoking itself was not my goal but rather the process in which this advertisement was created. I did provide initiatives which could help me respond to this question in which I would actively participate in networking via twitter. This post was a bit of a challenge as a student of many passions within my desired career of public health, to narrow down this post into one concise message. However, I did feel that those sub-questions lead up to that bigger question of need for leadership in the root of promotion which is smaller communities, my community.

October 14: Public Health takes on a metaphorical meaning
This post to be one of my favorites as the TED talk provided me reassurance that I was in the right path in my career of pursuit and enlightenment by an expert doctor. Rishi Manchanda, the speaker of the talk inspired my post by defining the value of community upstreamists; the value of primary care, preventive medicine in the form of looking at the roots of disease which are the social, environmental, and political faucets of life.

October 16: Three Way Pass
During this post I found that blogging was truly an art as I struggled to balance my initial goal to analyze the novel of The Alchemist and connect it to my future goals. The result was taking the conecpt of the sheep herder in Santiago and using that to inspire my goal to become an advocate for my self and therefore for my community. This helped me thus conclude with a peak at my next post on Ebola. The title fit well with the painting as I was going for an antique feel.

October 23: Ebola: Is there a side?
This post offered me a chance to explore Ebola, this “new” disease that brought a lot of speculation. I found that in my post I had defined what expert Epidemiologists had discovered which gave no room for actually exploring the news behind this epidemic as they would more than likely be biased and not necessarily linked to my question of exploring preventative medicine. I found that my post was overwhelming in objectives but I mangaed to explore “comparative findings of the health infrastructure of U.S and Nigerian response” which I promised would be included. This goal allowed me to learn as well as the class.

Nov 29: TvsZ: Has nature really altogether united with technology?
My reflection of my three nights of this game really helped me create this post which explored some of my observations of people’d perceptions of technology and nature. I was also very pleased to be able to still interact with some of my classmates from team nature without being “vulnerable”.

Well I have to say these blog posts proved to be worthwhile and personally enriching as they addressed and documented questions I have yet to answer which I hope to in my future endeavors. I also had the opportunity to explore the art of blogging in which I could add a narrative spin or a more academic style; it could be all my own. Throughout that gap between my final two blogs I really felt that twitter really filled that communication gap and if anything strengthened our class community. I feel other classes really rush through lecture without much opportunity to bring forth questions and answers but twitter and having those posts really gave us structure and resources that we could later explore to feed our never ending hunger for knowledge.

I enjoyed reading the posts and commenting my classmates posts as they inspired me to adopt some more fun techniques such as narrative tone and a more structured look. In the twitter world, I really felt I collaborated with my classmates before their lectures by voicing in some of my ideas behind their assignments as well as communication after lectures.

Medium, you might just be by new blogging medium and my inspiration to revisit my own girly and personal blog.

