Twitter War…eh hem Game

Shannon Gerow
Whittier College, WSP
2 min readNov 18, 2014

When Twitter gets serious

Day 1

My day begins by grudgingly crawling out of bed, picking up my phone and trying my best to figure out all the reasons why my twitter won’t Twit. Once I have the puzzle solved, I begin the game.

As one may surmise from my above comments, I chose Team Nature (the best team for technologically idiotic people like me). My beginning tweets are made with timid fear of making a wrong move, but as the game pushes on, it becomes more natural and I continue with a growing confidence. I do my best to recruit those who have erred on the side of technology.

Then, Bam! I’m hit by the least of likely places. Professor Rehn slaps a Technology sticker onto my name. But as any true nature patriot, I quickly call for assistance. A beautiful Nature soul like myself saves the day and I end my round of Twitter for the day in the shell shocked state of mind, imagining that technology could have ruled my life.

Day 2

My second day of the Twitter game takes place, in reality, on the third day of the game. Details! Ah but apparently a third team has arisen. While I too think being on team dragons might be incredibly amazing, I am a bit confused at what it entails and spend much time looking at the revised structure. In a whirlwind of activity, I try to partake in everything that I’ve missed. I tweet pictures of food and comment on how team nature must have direwolves to survive the long, cold, winter.

Adding in Katy Perry’s music video “Roar”, I feel confident she might have been on team dragon, but I use her video anyway.

All too soon, the clock strikes three and TvsZ becomes a thing of the past.


Throughout this interactive, make-believe game, there were many moments when I was a bit confused, but overall I feel the experience was worth the extra stress. Being able to directly interact with players was what Twitter was always meant to be, rather than a passive activity used to stalk your favorite celebrities in new ways (Ellen doesn’t mind!). I enjoyed being able to tweet things like

#teamnature will help us eh hem get back to our roots and thrive #TvsZ


Direwolves, yes that is what we need #tvsz #winterize

tweeting out suggestions on how to survive the next ice age and avoiding being recruited was not only very fun but a learning experience about how we should interact with other twitter users to have a conversation that can help improve things. Should there be a natural disaster it may be useful to be able to ask people for help (in an odd way). Warning people that there is a fire in a certain place or even something simple of asking which tool to use for a certain project, can help improve lives. This is a small portion of the possibilities even before talking about education.

As with any apocalypse, it’s a good thing to know how to reach out to your fellow nature friends.

