A Tale of Two Kitties

A story of engineers optimizing how to feed our local born stray cats, Peach (مشمش) and Plum (خوخة)

Saher El-Neklawy


One day at our engineering office, we found two newborn kittens at our doorstep. Our soft hearts were torn; we just couldn’t let them fend for themselves so we took on the responsibility of feeding them. Days passed, and as kids do, they grew up. To start with, they needed one small pack of cat food a week, but that number quickly became 4 and soon enough it became quite an expense. Being the BulkWhizzers we are, we looked for and shifted to buying the biggest possible bulk sized pack, which saved us almost 50% and ensured that our feline friends rarely, if ever, ran out of food!

Eventually, we started facing another challenge: Keeping our cats fed over weekends and long breaks. There was always someone on the team willing to show up to feed the cats but, in all honesty, it was getting to be a bit inconvenient.

Being the engineers we are we got to work to automate our cats’ feeding cycle! We estimated the amount of food that would keep our cats well fed for two weeks. We then built a simple contraption comprised of two 2.5m pipes and 4 inches in diameter. It would be loaded on top and would slowly refill as cats ate.

Then adding some plants to make it pretty

Now we are as happy as Peach and Plum. We buy 2 large food packs, fill the pipes at the beginning of the week, and our cats consume as much as they need.

Worth noting is that we did a bunch of research to make sure that having food constantly close at hand will not have any negative adverse effects on our cats’ health. They would play around and go grab a bit when they were hungry.

Want to save money on your pet supplies and more, check the savings on BulkWhiz, by getting more for less.


If you want to do great engineering work, and get to play with our lovely cats, email us on tech@bulkwhiz.com telling us a little about yourself!



Saher El-Neklawy

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