Let’s Talk About The Key Benefits Of AWS Lambda

Vidya Ransam
Whizlabs Education
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2021

The article will help you to understand what AWS Lambda is, when can we use it, how can we use it as well as all the key benefits of using the AWS Lambda.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a hassle-free computer service that allows you to use the code without providing or managing servers, creating a work around concept, maintaining event integration, or managing operating time. With Lambda, you can execute code with any type of app or back-up service — all with zero. Just upload your code as a ZIP file or image of the container, and Lambda will automatically and accurately assign the ability to use and use your code depending on the request or event you receive, on any traffic scale. You can write Lambda activities in your preferred language (Node.js, Python, Go, Java, and more) and use non-server tools and tools, such as AWS SAM or Docker CLI, to build, test and deploy your works.

Lambda is a computer service that allows you to use code without providing or managing servers. Lambda applies your code to the most widely available computer infrastructure and performs all computer hardware management, including server and operating system maintenance, automatic power supply and scaling, code monitoring and login. With Lambda, you can execute code with any type of app or back-up service. All you have to do is provide your code in one of the Lambda-supported languages.

You set your code into Lambda functions. Lambda only performs its function when required by automatic scales, from a few requests per day to thousands per second. You only pay for the calculation time you use — there is no charge if your code does not work. Various key benefits of lambda are present which help you to understand why to use AWS lambda.

You can trigger your AWS Lambda services code using the Lambda API, or Lambda can run your operations by reacting to events from other AWS services. For example, you can use Lambda to:

  • Create data processing solutions for AWS services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB.
  • The process of distributing data stored on Amazon Kinesis.
  • Create your backend that works on AWS scale, performance and security.

Lambda is a highly available service.

To learn more about AWS lambda , check out my previous article here.

When Should I Use Lambda?

Lambda is a suitable computer service for most application applications, as long as you can use your program code using the standard operating environment of the Lambda and within the resources provided by Lambda.

When you use Lambda, you are only responsible for your code. Lambda controls computer vehicles that provide memory, CPU, network, and other resources for using your code. Because Lambda controls these resources, you cannot log in to calculate the conditions or customize the application at the given start times. Lambda performs operational and administrative functions on your behalf, including power management, monitoring, and logging of your Lambda functions.

If you need to manage your computer resources, AWS has other computer services to meet your needs. For example:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers a broad range of EC2 types to decide from. It allows you to customize apps, network and security settings, and the entire software stack. It is responsible for providing capacity, monitoring the health and performance of vessels, and utilizing available fault tolerance facilities.
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk allows you to send and rate apps on Amazon EC2. Maintains full ownership and control over EC2 sub-conditions.

If you are interested, learn more about the difference in the Lambda and EC2.

Lambda Features

The important features that help you develop Lambda service that are scalable, secure, and easily extensible are as follows:

Concurrency And Scaling Controls

Concurrency and scaling mechanisms such as concurrency limits and provisioned concurrency give you fine-grained influence over the scaling and responsiveness of your production applications.

Functions Defined As Container Images

Use your favored container image tooling, workflows, and dependencies to build, test, and deploy your Lambda functions.

Code Signing

Lambda code signing provides integrity and integrity controls that allow you to ensure that only unaltered code is issued by the developers authorized for your Lambda operations.

Lambda Extensions

You can use Lambda extensions to enhance your Lambda functions. For example, use additions to integrate Lambda easily with your favourite tools for monitoring, security, validation and control.

Function Blueprints

The operating plan provides sample code showing how to use Lambda and other AWS services or third-party applications. Blueprints consist of mock-up code and configuration for Node.js and Python startup times.

Database Access

A data representative manages the database communication pool and sends queries from the job. This enables the employee to achieve higher levels of concurrency without weakening the data connection.

File Systems Access

You can configure the installation function of the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system in the local directory. With Amazon EFS, your operating code can access and modify shared resources securely and with the highest revenue agreement.

Key Benefits Of Lambda

No Servers To Manage

AWS Lambda uses your code automatically without requiring you to provide or manage the infrastructure. Simply write the code and upload it to Lambda either as a ZIP file or a picture of the container.

Continuous Scaling

AWS Lambda automatically scales your application using code in response to each event. Your code works the same way and processes each character individually, accurately measuring the size of the task load, from a few requests per day, to hundreds of thousands per second.

Cost Optimized With Millisecond Metering

With AWS Lambda, you only pay for the calculation time you use, so you will never pay for over-rendered infrastructure. You are charged every millisecond issued by your code and the number of times your code starts. With a Computer Savings Plan, you can add up to 17%.

Consistent Performance At Any Scale

With AWS Lambda, you can adjust your coding time by selecting the appropriate memory size for your work. You can also keep your activities organized and very ready to respond within two-digit milliseconds by enabling provisioned Concurrency.

Code Authoring Tools

You can write your Lambda operating code in languages ​​that support Lambda. For a list of supported languages, see Lambda launch times. There are multiple code authentication/verification tools present, such as the Lambda console, Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE), and Visual Studio IDE. But the tools and options available depend on:

  • The language you use to write your Lambda operating code.
  • Libraries you use in your code. Lambda’s operating time provides additional libraries, and you should download any additional libraries you use.
This table summarizes the code authoring tools of AWS Lambda.

To learn how to create lambda function you can visit AWS Lambda Tutorials.



Vidya Ransam
Whizlabs Education

Wanna Be Author | Funny | Veteran Content Developer