Are we Greenwashing?

Why this is even more dangerous for the environment and 8 suggestions on what to do instead

Antonija Hinckel Osojnik


Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

‘Pulling the plug’ is not the solution

Greenwashing, by Cambridge Dictionary, is a term used to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is.

And this considers not only business or companies behavior.

It is on us, as consumers, to decide what is an environmentally and socially responsible product.

We are happy that we can talk about climate issues and sustainability more than ever before. However, it is important to see a positive perspective and not be scared of what we can expect in the future.

The fear of climate issues is scientifically based, and we shouldn’t deny any problems humanity is already facing. Still, instead of fighting with deniers on Facebook or preparing our bunkers for the next apocalypse, we could prevent the existing negative impact of the human species.

While not ‘pulling the plug’ completely.

We don’t need to destroy our economy in just transition to a sustainable society and a lower carbon economy.



Antonija Hinckel Osojnik
Editor for

I’m an IT/IP Lawyer. I live in Germany with my family and write about how to evolve, thrive and sustain as a human being on our one and only 🌎