So I’ve Asked to Feature You…

Charlotte Morabito
who are you not to be?
3 min readDec 6, 2015

If I’ve recently asked you to be featured on this site, then you’re probably pretty awesome. Unfortunately, there is only one example of feature for you to look at so far, but keep reading to get more of an idea about what to expect of the process and the product of this experience.

What will the interview be like? | It’s best to be able to meet in person, but phone interviews are an option as well. I will ask you if it’s alright for me to record our interaction to ensure direct quotations are accurate. I will come with a few prepared questions, but typically it’s just a conversation between two people. It’s up to you what you reveal. Additionally, you can indicate if you specifically don’t want something published in the article. In the journalism business, this is called going ‘off the record’ and it should be specified before you offer the information to me. My hope is to tell your story — or as much of your story as you are willing to share with me and my readers.

How long will the interview take? | This will depend on the person, as well. I expect each interview to take about an hour. Some may take more time and others less.

Will you need to take photos of me? | I will want at least three different photos of you. Not only is it nice for people to be able to put a face to the story, but photos also help break up text on a webpage. Please be willing to give me high resolution photos of yourself for publication on this site.

Why do you want to interview me? What could you possibly want to know about me? | I’ve asked each person for a different reason. In the early stages of this site, I’m going to be mostly asking my friends or people I’m acquainted with and want to get to know in a more in depth way. I may have asked you because I think you have a great story to tell or I just think you’re a cool person. I may have asked you because I’m simply curious about you.

How is this different from Humans of New York? | Firstly, this is my site, so that makes it inherently different. This site will be more about the essays than the photos because I do not consider myself a photographer but I hope to one day consider myself a writer. Also, I do not intend for this site to be limited to people in a single geographic location.

What if I don’t want my story published or I don’t like what you write? | I would be interviewing with the intent to write a story on you, so publication is required. If you are unhappy with the final product of your interview, please contact me directly and I will work with you to resolve your discomfort with your feature.

You asked me to participate, but my life is pretty hectic at the moment. I want to do it but can we do it some time in the future instead of right now? | Of course! If I’ve asked you and you want to do it, we can schedule an interview as soon or as far down the road as you’d like. Remember, we can also do a phone interview if finding a common place to meet is too difficult or time consuming for both of us.

Can I get your number so we can communicate more efficiently? | Sure! Just contact me the way I originally contacted you and I’ll be happy to provide you with my cell phone number for phone calls and/or texts to discuss this further.

