The Person Behind the Blog

Charlotte Morabito
who are you not to be?
2 min readDec 6, 2015
me white house
That’s me!

My name is Charlotte Morabito, and I’m a baby journalist with MSNBC. Prior to entering the world of cable news, I was a student at Rutgers University in New Jersey majoring in journalism and women’s studies. You can see me above grinning in front of the White House because the White House is as cool a landmark as any.

I started my time at Rutgers studying computer science. As a precocious kid, I taught myself HTML and CSS. The websites I made were crude, but I enjoyed the intense frustration inherit in learning to code. I thought 10 years later that I should attempt to learn it at a more in depth level. That was a mistake. After 2 years of trying to make computer science fit as my career choice, I chose to make a change. I went on a lot of somber walks during my sophomore year, pondering life and listening to Tom Hiddleston recite poetry. Journalism and women’s studies had caught my attention as two areas of focus. I figured these two majors not only fit well together but fit my personality better than computer science does.

I have been thinking about how I can best practice my writing in a way that was both fun and still professional. I’ve recently realized that corporate work requires a lot of compartmentalization whereas academia provided me with the freedom to personalize my work. I don’t want to lose my connection to my content as I begin my professional career. (I mean, I am an INFJ after all.) WAYNTB is my way of exploring the inner workings of the people I interact with on a regular basis. I want to explore how individuals hold a part of themselves back. I want to know why so many grow uncomfortable when asked to recognize the wholeness of a person.

