Designing My Roadmap: Organizing a 173-Hour Learning Adventure

Kassandra Zimmerman
Who Asked For Your Opinion
3 min readMar 26, 2023


So, for those of you that haven’t read my previous article, I’m attempting to get a “Highly Proficient” or “Expert” result on a number of Pluralsight skill IQ assessments (15 of them to be exact). The courses they recommend + a few courses for the exams without any recommendations total a combined duration of 172.6 hours. I’m attempting to get through the material and assessments in two weeks.

I do have prior knowledge of programming but I’ve not programmed in these languages before, so the syntax is somewhat new to me. I have had exposure to HTML & CSS before from trying to troubleshoot issues on WordPress and light reading, but I would say my knowledge is pretty elementary. I’ve also worked with GitHub before, but I’ve always stuck to the GUIs (apps) and I was always intimidated by it.

Ordering the Content

Once again, here are the topics:

  • Building Web Applications With React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Redux
  • Git
  • NPM
  • ES6
  • Styling the Web with Bootstrap
  • Building Dynamic Websites with jQuery
  • TypeScript Core
  • Language
  • D3
  • Collaborative Coding With GitHub
  • Mocha
  • Developing Websites for Accessibility

Last night, I decided to start with GitHub, since I have some familiarity with it and it was the most approachable for me. It probably would have made more sense to start with Git, but I didn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I will likely go to Git next, I got a little bit of Git coverage in the GitHub course I watched last night, so it will be a nice segue.


So last night, as mentioned, I started with GitHub. I watched the first 4.5 hour course. As I was finishing it, I noticed that the other 14.5 hours of content in the learning path revisited topics that were already covered in the first course. I opened the skill assessment to see what the list of topics included and it seemed like an even spread, similar to that first course I finished, with no topics mentioned that I hadn’t been exposed to. So I decided to take the skill assessment early. Do-overs are allowed within 48 hours, so I knew I could fit the remaining material for GitHub in that time if I didn’t do well.

So I took the Pluralsight skill assessment:

Have I mentioned that I have incredibly high first-time retention?

I honestly didn’t expect to do that well, and I, myself, was pretty floored. I spent a few minutes gushing over it with my boyfriend and then I rewarded myself by letting myself take the rest of the night off. I had just saved myself 14.5 hours of material to get through, after all.

Continued Learning

I would like to eventually return to the rest of the path and watch the remaining videos. My long-term goal would be to be in the 99th percentile for everything. However, that isn’t within the scope of this pass-through’s goals. I have a job/gigs to get and more fundamentals to learn.

So off I go to learn more about Git. I’ll talk to you all laterz.



Kassandra Zimmerman
Who Asked For Your Opinion

I’m here to write after reading, experiencing, and synthesizing.