Growing Up Is Hard To Do

Ana Booczko
Who Have You Become?
3 min readMay 10, 2016 lists the following as synonyms for the word ‘change’: adjustment, advance, development, difference, innovation, and transformation. Halfway into what is described as “the best years of our lives,” how do college sophomores perceive the way they have changed?

The Abode, my first apartment ever!

College is hard. There is no movie, piece of advice, or song that can prepare someone for the insane amount of freedom attached.

Things like how many slices of greasy pizza your body will digest become the most important decisions of your life.

As the midway point of my college career approaches a feeling of what I can only compare to the panic associated with mid life crisis’ arise. A little dramatic? Maybe. But with only two years left of what seems like adult bliss, (without all the actual adult stuff) prompts this questioning of just how different are we?

I asked college sophomores how they think they have changed since beginning college. Here are some of my favorite responses:

“…become more social…I’m open in trying new things.” -Tim Fifarek

“…I am now excited for my future, and in love with making memories and leaving my comfort zone” -Emily Toomey

“…I have become substantially more independent.” -Meg Flynn

“I have become a lot more mature and conscious of the decisions I make.” -Ryan Tabisz

“Ive developed the self confidence necessary for me to thrive…” -Kate Franey

“…I think I have become more responsible and ambition in actually narrowing down what I want to do in my life.” -Tommy Molina

“ …I’ve changed and become more cautious and withdrawn. People and events can change you if you let them…” Bash

“…I’ve become an overall happier person because I’m doing what makes me happy, rather than doing things that other people were doing just to do them” -Sarah Baker”

“…I have become more motivated to achieve goals…I take advantage of all the opportunities presented to me…” -Joe Wilk

One that particularly resonated with me was from Marquette University Sophomore Patrick Shea,

“…I know now where I am heading in life but rather I’m excited that I don’t know what’s next for me in my journey. All that exists for me is endless possibilities”

There is no denying that as we grow older, we change. As I compare the different perspectives of people’s own changes it is easy to find positives and clarity in what people want to do.

Yet there is so much more time for change. We are constantly being exposed to this world of endless possibilities. By being open to the world we are allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to what we can control and can change us.

Yes, college is half over but it is only the beginning of what I hope to be a long, healthy, and full life.

Whether you are beginning a new educational level, career, or life step take the time to reflect on who you are and how other people and experiences have impacted your own life journey.

