Shakti Bliss
Who Moved My Vagina?!
2 min readMay 24, 2017

Do you ever do this?

June bug on the porch.

Have you ever found yourself traveling along in life… thinking you’re making progress, only to find you’re just going in circles??

I was sitting on the porch recently and noticed this little guy, pushing this big stick (big to him) around and around in circles. After watching in amazement for awhile, I decided to experiment with him. (Insert evil chuckle.) No, I wasn’t just going to toy with him; it was a “social experiment for bugs” — you know, SCIENCE! ;)

I moved the stick away to see where he would go. He headed straight for the house. Then I put the stick back in his path, and lo and behold, he began to push it around in circles again. I tried this a couple of times. Each time the path was free of obstacles, he would make a beeline for the house. It was obvious he had a clear goal. But each time I placed the “log” in his way, he struggled in circles. From what I was observing, he could logistically be stuck going in circles until he expired from this life. No joke. That was a big eye-opener for me!

This is how life is for many of us, isn’t it? We have a goal in mind, but we get caught in circles… hamster wheels, if you will… of distractions and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Is this Life’s way of testing us?? Is it just “the way things are”? I think it’s a bit of both, and a whole lot more.

I believe this presents us with the opportunity to really show up, and shine. For me, personally, I have had these big “plans and aspirations” to get my butt in shape. For a long, long time. But I find myself stuck in this cycle of falling victim to life’s distractions: holidays, stress, too much to do, and so on.

I believe that bug showed up in my life at just the right time to teach me a valuable lesson. It’s time to PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Either I’m going to make the necessary lifestyle changes to achieve the results I desire, or I’m going to stop “planning” and accept my body the way it is until the day I die. NOW is the time. How about you? What hamster wheel have you been stuck on, and are ready to BREAK FREE? Let’s do it!

“What we need are positive, realistic goals and the willingness to work. Hard work and practical goals.” ~Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

(I couldn’t agree more, Kareem.) ❤

