Shakti Bliss
Who Moved My Vagina?!
4 min readJun 10, 2017

This is the shortlist of how I receive guidance and direction in life. (And you can, too!)

Gotta take time to be still and just LISTEN…

There are three major components to the who, what, when, where, how and why I get direction and guidance from the “unseen” world. A good portion of it manifests into the “seen” world, which makes it easy to recognize and pay heed. This did not happen for me overnight. It takes practice; and even before that, it requires us being open to receive.

The three avenues of angelic (for all intents and purposes here) guidance I receive are: 1) Number messages; I call them Angel Number messages. 2)Animal Totem messages. And 3) My own intuition (gut feelings).

Let’s take a brief look at each. And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at *SFU stands for Spiritual Freedom Universe-ity, my FaceBook page and future in-the-physical spiritual center.

Angel Number messages, aka Numerology: This is a verrrrrry deep and broad subject, but to just touch on it, give the Layman’s version, and give you something you could begin to implement right away, I will teach the basics.

Have you ever noticed, say, your birthday numbers on a digital clock? For example, my birthday is 10/22, and I often “happen” to look at the clock at 10:22. Side note: in these times of global awakening, many people are reporting seeing 11:11 all the time. If you want to see for yourself, just Google, “Why do I see 11:11?” and you’ll see scads of web articles dedicated to this phenomena. What I can tell you in a nutshell about that particular number message (at least from MY experience and what I’ve observed in others as well) is that 11 is the “number of the angels”, i.e. the number the angels use to communicate with us Earthlings. :)

When you see a certain number repeating itself to you, look it up online! I guarantee you’ll find an answer that is fitting to your life situation or current questions or circumstances. My favorite online database of number messages is Joanne Sacred Scribe. So when I see a particular number repeating in my life (for instance, on this recent road trip of mine, the number 34 kept showing up everywhere… license plates, billboards, the clock, the mileage on my car, a purchase receipt, etc. You get the idea.) So I just Googled “Angel number 34.” And voila! I have the message that is perfect for me for this current phase of my life. I love it!

The same goes for animal totem messages. Basically what happens is you will have a close encounter with an animal. You will KNOW, if you open up to it, when an animal is showing up in an extraordinary way for you. That’s all I’m going to say about that. But for example, I’ve had a bat message (one swooped RIGHT by me, in broad daylight!), a deer message (again-one came down to the creek where I was meditating, mere feet from me), pigeon “medicine” (Medicine meaning a message from the Spirits/Angels), ant medicine, dolphin medicine, cardinal medicine… the list goes on and on and on.

The bottom line is this. PAY ATTENTION. Be open to messages from your guides and spirits and angels. TRUST ME, they want to communicate with you. Very much so. When you begin to see something repeatedly showing up in your life (It can even be a song or a line from a movie or a book, etc.)… there is a MESSAGE in there for you somewhere. Open up to it. Speak to “them” (whomever that is for you), and ask for help in understanding. They LOVE to be asked. And when it happens for you, ask for more!

Last but not least, TRUST yourself. Trust that inner nudging. It’s there for a reason. You have all the inner-knowledge, intuition and wisdom to navigate this crazy life experience already within you. Tap into THAT. Take time each day to just sit quietly… a FEW MOMENTS is all that is required. You don’t have to stop thinking. That is a rare achievement. Just calm and quiet the mind for a few minutes. Once you experience the results from this, you’ll most likely want to increase your “meditation” time to get more of it. ;)

I hope you open up to messages from the world that vibrates outside of our five senses. It’s like opening Pandora’s box. Life won’t be the same. It’ll be better. You’ll have a clearer life path, you’ll be more calm and peaceful, you’ll feel more secure in life, among other benefits; and that, to me, is worth all the gold in the world.

“The universe conspires to reveal the truth and to make your path easy if you have the courage to follow the signs.” ~Lisa Unger

