the Agony and the Ecstasy

Shakti Bliss
Who Moved My Vagina?!
3 min readJun 12, 2017

And everything in between.

Full moon/ocean magic in Costa Rica. PURE BLISS. Moments like these…………

DID YOU KNOW? We are here for all of it!

Let me just say that I have been a student of self-development teachings for many years. I have been buried in books and attending classes and seminars, forever in the search of meaning in this life; to make sense of it all. I was desperate for the answers that would enable me to be able to handle all the good and bad this life has to offer, but mostly my motivation has been to help OTHERS. I am a big-time empath: someone who deeply feels others’ emotions. Seeing others suffer literally breaks my heart, and I have dedicated my life to spreading messages of hope and ease.

Something very precious I learned a while back that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY is that we are here to experience the full gamut of emotions and experiences in this life. From everything I’ve studied, what I have come to understand is that we literally sign up to come to Earth. We WANT to come here and experience all the madness and mess and joy and bliss this planet has to offer!

Now I realize that may seem like a bunch of foo-foo nonsense to some of you. But just bear with me. Keep an open mind. Just pretend for a minute, if you have to. What if? Just what IF it were true? That on “the other side”, before we were born, that we CHOSE to come here, and we chose to forget: to allow the veil of amnesia to be lain upon us, and we actually chose all the tough lessons we’ve all faced, and will continue to face as life unfolds…

But we also knew ahead of time that a life of Earth was also full of moments of joy and pure bliss, right alongside the pain and the heartache.

Once I learned this, accepted it, and absorbed it into my mentality, it made such a huge difference for me. I remind myself often, that ALL this…. it’s just nothing but a bunch of experiences. But mostly to remember that in the darkest times, there will always be a dawn. The hard times never last. It seems to sort of run in cycles, if you’ve noticed. Sometimes the hard and the easy times cycle faster, and sometimes each phase lasts a more extended period of time. Either way, the important thing to remember is that there ARE cycles. And Life will get good again. And it’ll get icky again. And then it’ll get good again. (You get the idea.) ;)

I hope this theory, this school of thought, helps you in some way as it has me. Yes, sometimes I forget all this. But I always eventually come back to it. And then I relax into whatever is going on around me, with a secure knowing that truly — in the big picture — all is well.

