The Cesspool of Disaster

Shakti Bliss
Who Moved My Vagina?!
4 min readMay 11, 2017

Live the Life you Love…

One of my favorite tees~~scored this one in Estes Park, CO

The backside of this T-shirt says, Love the Life you Live.

Those two statements go hand-in-hand. (Otherwise they probably wouldn’t be on the same T-shirt.) You know I’m always encouraging everyone to go for their dreams. But you have to put in the hard work. And most importantly, you have to align your energies.

What does THAT mean?

Well, for me, I feel like this is how my life has panned out so far:

For the first decade in my life, I enjoyed childhood. The second decade, I “enjoyed” being an adolescent. (I mean, c’mon— how many of us REALLY enjoyed our teen years??) Then my third decade I dedicated entirely to my children.

My fourth decade I learned and honed a career. Simultaneously I began my personal development. I started to learn to meditate, I read tons of great, uplifting books, and I strove very hard to learn how to have a good, positive mindset.

That last part was NOT easy. I grew up in a household with abuse. There was a long history of mental disorders and depression in my family. My mom took her own life when I was a teen. I, myself, was diagnosed manic-depressive and had my own struggles with depression and suicidal tendencies. And other junk I won’t bring you down with.

But I’m tellin’ ya, man. It takes work and dedication and determination... but you really CAN change your mindset. And thusly, change your life. You HAVE to feed your mind all kinds of positive things: from positive affirmations to reading self-development material, to meditating, and so forth.

But the whole point of the T-shirt is this: GRATITUDE is THE KEY. If you can love and appreciate the life you are currently immersed in, no matter if it’s going the way you always dreamed, or you’re a work-in-progress, or it’s a cesspool of disastrous mistakes… If you BEGIN with finding what you CAN be grateful for, then you can align with the energies and vibrations that will show you and guide you, and take you where you want to go.

This is how it all worked out for me. That’s what I meant by “align your energies.” GRATITUDE. It’s EVERYTHING.

And now I get to enjoy my fifth decade… reaping the rewards of all those long years of never giving up, never giving in. In fact, I recieved an “angel message” the other day that specifically says,

“You have toiled long and hard and your angels want you to know that you have successfully manifested prosperity and abundance into your life.”

And it’s true! I really do live a successful, prosperous and abundant life! But you know what? All those long years of putting in the work? I also immensely enjoyed myself during those years. It wasn’t all pleasant — not by a long-shot. But I made it a point to keep the positivity influx going, to always give thanks and appreciation for what I did already have, and I always affirmed and KNEW deep in my heart, that I WOULD arrive at a life that I craved all along. I AM a “rags to riches story.” Not based on money… based on quality of life. My past really was a cesspool from time to time. It’s in fact quite a miracle I am still here. I couldn’t begin to TELL you the number of times I felt like I was drowning in a quagmire of despair and darkness. But I succeeded in creating the life of my dreams: A life of FREEDOM.

But you know what else? It’s not even necessarily the freedom I have carved out for myself (via Lifestyle Design), it’s the freedom in my mind. I know that NO MATTER my life circumstances — that’s just “weather” — my “sky” is calm… my inner Presence is centered and clear. All thanks to the time I put into meditation and connecting with the spirit realm (which can be anything to any particular person from God, angels, nature, or just their own inner power.) And I do NOT spend hours meditating… not even close. And my meditations more often than not look like just a nice walk in the outdoors. Or a long drive. Or gazing at a beautiful sunset.

You CAN achieve the life of your dreams!!! Begin by Loving the Life you already Live. :)

