Advertising and the Media: It’s Not All Bad

Grace Barnard
Who Rules You?
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2015

We have done a lot of talking so far about the negative effects of advertising and social media, but let’s be honest… there is no way we would ever be able to live without it. Believe it or not, the growth of technology and media has been more beneficial to us and the world as a whole than most of us realize. The benefits range from social and economic, up to raising awareness for important causes.

Let’s start by talking about the social benefits. Advertising in today’s world informs consumers about what products are out there and how these products could help to improve their lives. Recently, I have noticed more and more advertisements being shared on sites such as Facebook or Instagram. Companies have realized that if they are able to make their advertisement special (funny, sad, sarcastic, etc.), people will post these to their media “pages” and the videos will sometimes receive millions and millions of views/shares. Before these social media sites were created, advertisements were seen by whoever was watching the television at a particular time, but now they can been seen by anyone at anytime of the day. These advertisements that strike up great public interest serve as a a communication topic between different groups of people, giving them something to talk about and connecting them in a way that they had not been before.

Social media has completely changed the way we communicate. As globalization is expanding social media is needed to allow us to stay connected with what’s going on in the world around us. Thanks to instagram, twitter, facebook, and many other apps we have the opportunity to post and receive information in the matter of seconds as well as communicate with others. With the advance of smart phones and technology we can connect with someone across the country in a matter of seconds making new friends or keeping in touch with old. My dad worked in Montreal Canada for four years and being able to facetime and text made it feel like he was never that far away.

Today, many believe that social media is a negative influence on the youth. Personally, I do believe there are negatives but there are also many positives to the influence it has on teens. A recent study shows that “Fully 76% of all teens use social media. Facebook is the dominant platform, with 71% of all teens using it. Instagram and Snapchat also have become increasingly important, with 52% of teens using Instagram and 41% using Snapchat. One-third of American teens use Twitter and another third use Google Plus” (Lenhart). I was talking with my aunt the other day about my 14 year old cousin Olivia’s use of social media which she monitors at all times. She said, “ Social media has also been a way that Olivia has built up her confidence. When she posts a selfie the comments I read are all-positive. Olivia also went away to a summer camp and social media has allowed her to communicate with her friends from California and Florida.”

I do feel like teens shouldn’t depend on social media to build up their self esteem but this is 2015 and it’s just the way things are in society.

Teens have also begun to use social media to make their voices heard. Teen Vogue wrote a article about how social media can actually help teens suffering from depression and anxiety. Teens can actually develop a loyal fan base to help support and encourage them through hard times.

Social media is also a great way to share interests and talents. You can post videos, art, music and more to your social media site and be able to get noticed. Just look at Justin Bieber. His mom posted videos of him at a young age singing and performing on YouTube where he was discovered and now he is one of the most famous men in the world.

In conclusion, we need to remember that social media is just a tool. It can’t control us unless we allow it to consume us. The way we use it is our decision.

Link to Lenharts study:



Grace Barnard
Who Rules You?

Raleigh, N.C | Junior at N.C. State | Communication- Media Major|