We want you

To write with us

Andrea Ayres
Crew Dispatch


Words. They are pretty important. At least we like to think so over at Crew. If you think so too, we’d love to hear what you have to say. We’re looking for contributors to share their words (and passion) with us, and the rest of the world.

At Crew, we love figuring stuff out. From answering questions like why we have stage fright, to finding better ways to leave work at work…we’re interested in answering questions and solving problems in new and thoughtful ways. We primarily focus on science-backed articles about creativity, marketing, and psychology.

This is where you come in.

We’re looking for some fresh perspectives on how to work, overcoming those life challenges, and just plain old good fashioned science backed goodness. Our writing has been featured in publications like LifeHacker, The Next Web, Fast Company, and The Oatmeal. One of our pieces was turned into a TED video on YouTube. We love surprising our readers (and usually ourselves) with what we discover through research.

We are committed to our community and building a resource for people to share, learn, and grow from. If that all sounds good to you, then we’d love to hear from you.

The details

Writing takes a lot of work, we’re guessing you already know this. Here’s a little more information about what we are looking for:

  • The topic and argument must be clear, well-researched, and original work (please note we don’t accept sales pitches or purely promotional pieces).
  • The article should be about 1,000-1,500 words in length, be fact-checked and use proper citation throughout.
  • Should be tailored for an audience of makers, creators, and entrepreneurs.
  • Tone should be conversational, like you are talking with a friend.
  • Rate: $200.00

The process

We know writing (like most other things) is collaborative. With that in mind, we believe in working together to produce the strongest work possible. Here is a bit more about what you can expect:

  • While your piece doesn’t have to be 100% completed, it does need to be clear what the article is about (aka no first drafts please).
  • E-mail your article to jory@pickcrew.com, in any of the following formats: Word, Google Docs, Markdown, or just use Medium. While we can’t promise to publish every piece sent to us, we can promise to read everything you send in.
  • If your article seems like a good fit, you can expect to receive thoughtful and constructive feedback from a member of the Crew team.
  • After you’ve addressed our feedback, we’ll work with you to get the piece ready for publication.

The end result

You’ll hopefully learn about communicating ideas, writing, and of course you’ll be published and paid for your work.

We will distribute your article through our multiple channels and on our blog. While we can’t promise worldwide fame, we can promise to promote your piece widely.

We look forward to working and learning with you!

Got an idea?

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