WhoAmEye.Me — Ramahn Jemahl

WhoAmEye.Me is a vlog (video blog) for people to give a daily, weekly, or monthly update on what’s going on in their lives and the world around them. 

Ramahn Jemahl
WhoAmEye .Me
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2013


I am not a writer. My typing and spelling aren't the best. So I do video. Lol! Just keeping it real. I would love to be a part of a new and exciting publishing platform. I hope I can do it in this manner. By typing a little something and posting a link to my videos. Thank you so much in advance for reading and watching! :) Please leave feedback and help me along my journey. WhoAmEye.Me



Ramahn Jemahl
WhoAmEye .Me

Professional podcast producer & host of The What's Really? Good! Show. http://whatsreallygoodshow.com/ Subscribe to my YouTube channel! :)http://goo.gl/cCpWpd