
Ruby Lee
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016

Headis is like playing table tennis with your head and a soccer ball. Check it out:

Source: YouTube

Headis was invented in Germany in 2006, which is where it remains most popular. One popular technique is the volley, where the ball is headed before hitting the player’s own side:

Source: YouTube

Headis is more similar to badminton than table tennis physically. But like in table tennis, hitting your opponent’s table edge is a killer shot:

Source: YouTube

And any part of your body can touch the table in headis, which means jumping on the table is perfectly legal:

Source: YouTube


  • Invented by Rene Wegner in 2006, while he was a sports science student at Saarland University in Germany
  • Came up with the idea because the soccer field was occupied
  • Now played at 10–12 nationwide tournaments and in universities across Germany


  • Players must touch the ball with the head only, hitting the ball onto the opponent’s side.
  • To win a match, a player must win 2 sets. Sets are first to 11 points, win by 2.
  • The serve must bounce once on the serving player’s side and then on the opponent’s side. Balls that hit the edge or net are re-served, otherwise a fault is the opponent’s point.
  • The serve switches every 3 points, unless the score is 11–10, in which case it switches every 2 points.

For more, check out these top 10 plays from 2015:

