The Compound Effect of habits

Abhimanyu mishra
3 min readAug 19, 2020

This is one of the best thing that you can implement in your life you to be successful

The compound effect is the secret of most of successful people like warren buffet, darren hardy.
the process is something like this — you make small steps towards your goal which may don’t fee significant but these steps results in massive gains over time .
whether you are using it for improving your health ,relationships,finances, or anything else that matters to you!
the small steps offer little or no immediate result,no big win so why bother?
Most of us does’t get this !
for example

they stop learning new things because they couldn’t see their direct use in their life

they stop going to the gym when they see no muscle gain in one or two months

they stop running after 2 weeks because they are still overweight

the small seemingly insignificant choices made consistently over time will create a radical difference

To understand this better

consider this situation

If you were given a choice between taking $3 million in cash
this very instant and a single penny that doubles in value every
day for 31 days, which would you choose? If you’ve heard this
before, you know the penny gambit is the choice you should
make — you know it’s the course that will lead to greater wealth.
Yet why is it so hard to believe choosing the penny will result in
more money in the end? Because it takes so much longer to see the
payoff. Let’s take a closer look.
Let’s say you take the cold, hard cash and your friend goes the
penny route. On Day Five, your friend has sixteen cents. You,
however, have $3 million. On Day Ten, it’s $5.12 versus your
big bucks. How do you think your friend is feeling about her
decision? You’re spending your millions, enjoying the heck out
of it, and loving your choice.
After 20 full days, with only 11 days left, Penny Lane has
only $5,243. How is she feeling about herself at this point? For
all her sacrifice and positive behavior, she has barely more than
$5,000. You, however, have $3 million. Then the invisible magic
of the Compound Effect starts to become visible. The same
small mathematical growth improvement each day makes the
compounded penny worth $10,737,418.24 on Day Thirty-one,
more than three times your $3 million.
In this example we see why consistency over time is so
important. On Day Twenty-nine, you’ve got your $3 million;
Penny Lane has around $2.7 million. It isn’t until Day Thirty
of this 31-day race that she pulls ahead, with $5.3 million. And
it isn’t until the very last day of this month-long ultra-marathon
that your friend blows you out of the water; she ends up with
$10,737,418.24 to your $3 million.

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