why life sucks ?

Abhimanyu mishra
2 min readAug 19, 2020

you wake up and prepare yourself for your 9–5 job or college ,after that you relax a little bit or entertain yourself and see or hear about someone who is enjoying his life ,having fun & experiencing new things that you always wanted to do then you think about your life and think something like

“my life sucks ,everybody is having fun and there is me stuck in this mess or i’m pathetic nothing good happens to me “

In reality your life really sucks NOT because of not having a good paycheck or not having good holidays trip but because of you being INVOLVED IN OTHER’S LIFE ! , it sounds strange isn’t ?.let’s see


Our mind sees life as a story or should i call it a movie!

-”you were born ..you started learning new things..made memories …achieve your goals ……..(it goes like this ).”

and like in movies our brain remembers highlights , some good and some bad .
With social media ,We see highlights of people ‘s life ,their good moments they lived.Also people always post their pics with happy faces and good lifestyle with big caption and they do it often ! and with this you are not viewing only one person ,you are viewing at 40 + people ‘s best moment of their life continuously, this makes you involved in their life mentally

whether you are Elon Musk , Bill Gates ,Jeff Beszos or Warren Buffet they all live the same life like you with a little difference of mindset and and work ethics ,they are always busy enjoying and improving their life rather then focusing on others.
They also has 24 hours a day ,they also do something everyday they don’t like , they too have bad days but they are determined for achieving their goals and also have time for the things they like to do , they do it often as this gives fuels for further achieving.


the best thing to do is to isolate yourself from social media for some time (say 2 weeks) and you will observe that you focus more on your problems and living your life.
At start of course it is difficult to immediately disconnect from social media for that you can just mute people’s post and stories ,this will slowly divert your attention towards your life.

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