Latest podcasts and YouTube interviews on emotional health

Becky Castle Miller
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2022
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

You Have Permission

Dan Koch and I talked about the anti-emotionalism in Evangelicalism, Jesus’s humanity and emotions, spiritual bypassing, and emotional granularity (increasing our emotion vocabulary and concepts).

Christelle Lerryn

Christelle and I explored Jesus’s human emotions, how women are hurt by the idea that emotions are not welcome in church, how anti-emotionalism keeps victims trapped in abuse, and how we can confront and end abuse in Christian circles. She asked, on both emotions and abuse, “What now? What next? How do we change things?” I love that forward focus, and we came up with a list of ideas for changing culture.

Being With

Geoff and I discussed what it means to follow our feelings in a healthy way rather than ignoring them in our spiritual life.

Gravity Leadership

I talked with the Gravity Leadership crew about the role of emotions in Christian discipleship. Rather than ignoring, suppressing, or mistrusting our emotions as we follow Jesus, we should name them and validate them.

Coming soon…

Episodes I have recorded that haven’t aired yet:

Kingdom Roots

Scot McKnight and Laura Tarro and I discussed the difference between “feeling” and “emotion” and how the disciples might have perceived Jesus’s emotions.

The Apprenticeship Way

Marc Alan Schelske guided us through a conversation about the anti-empathy message in some strains of the Reformed church



Becky Castle Miller

Becky Castle Miller cares about emotional & mental health in the church. Seminary graduate, former expat in the Netherlands. Writing a book on Jesus’ emotions.