3 Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person — According to the Zen Dark Arts

How Zen is your way to stay ahead of the crowd

Damian Clark


By Einin — Own work [1], CC BY-SA 3.0

Zen intelligence is cloaked in mystery.

How do intelligent people deal with dark forces inside themselves, according to Zen?

How do intelligent people deal with desires that are not healthy?

Dig a little deeper and you may see some of these signs of intelligence in those around you or even yourself.

Violent thoughts and being plagued by self-doubt are like internal tidal waves that can smash your life against the rocks.

The intelligent person navigates these waters the Zen way for smooth sailing.

1. The Sound of One Hand

The master of Kennin temple was Mokurai, Silent Thunder. He had a little protege named Toyo who was only twelve years old. Toyo saw the older disciples visit the master’s room each morning and evening to receive instruction in sanzen or personal guidance in which they were given koans to stop mind-wandering.

Toyo wished to do sanzen also.

“Wait a while,” said Mokurai. “You are too young.”

But the child insisted, so the teacher finally consented.



Damian Clark

B. Sc (Psychology) | FREE Mindfulness Checklist→ http://bit.ly/3XO5qzm | For one-on-one sessions → clarkd34@hotmail.com