3 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms I Have Adopted During the Pandemic

And how I made my peace with them.

Julia Appa


Photo by Darina Belonogova from Pexels

We live in a state of utter madness. There’s no other way of putting it.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that each and every one of us has developed our own coping mechanisms to get through this stressful time, or should I say “these unprecedented times”?

Jokes aside though, I have found that I developed some pretty bad habits over the course of the last few months and I am here to scream it out into the abyss of Medium.

Whenever you think that things couldn’t possibly get any worse, you unlock yet another level of the pandemic and quarantine lifestyle. That’s when I turn to one of these 3 unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Bad habit #1: Online shopping

I feel like this is the most relatable coping mechanism since we grew up in a capitalist system that’s been telling us that we will be happier, more confident, lovable, successful, energetic, etc. if we just buy another product.

While I might realize on a rational level that buying new clothes won’t make me any happier in the sense that I can go out drinking, meet my friends or go travelling, there’s that voice that tells me: “Yeah, but you can wear it when this



Julia Appa

Just a 23-year-old who’s obsessed with writing. Instagram: juliaminus_romeo