4 Life-Changing Ways To Buy Happiness (For Real)

Science shows it’s possible.

Moreno Zugaro


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Money can make you happy — if you spend it right.

Studies by Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahnemann and happiness researcher Matthew Killingsworth show that…

“In the simplest terms, […] for most people larger incomes are associated with greater happiness.”

But as so often in life, conditions apply.

Spending your money to snort white lines off the dashboard of your new Ferrari or keeping up with the Joneses will only get you stuck on the Hedonic Treadmill — a never-ending quest for more.

True happiness comes from inside yourself.

Instead of chasing fleeting highs, you can use your money to change how you view yourself — and with it, how you experience life.

Buy Better Clothes

I usually avoid shopping like a nun a strip club.

But this year, I upgraded my entire wardrobe. Underwear, socks, shorts, pants, shirts, shoes — the whole nine yards. It was exhausting, but worth it.

When I look into the mirror now and see myself in fresh, chic clothing that embodies the man I am and want to be, I feel…



Moreno Zugaro

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