4 Overrated Buzzwords in Minimalism You Don’t Need to Embrace the Lifestyle

No need to complicate it

Melissa Frost


Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

I am not a perfect minimalist. My profile bio on this platform says minimalist-ish. This is my way of saying I’m all about embracing the lifestyle of less, without the pressure part of it. I am not one of those that swear by a specific textbook or method when it comes to minimalism. Following my gut and what makes sense to me, plus the environment and those around me, is what I’m aiming for.

There are, however, more than enough guides and how-to’s in minimalism, and you can always add some popular buzzwords here and there. Some of these words I would categorize as overrated, and here’s why:


I actually enjoy decluttering, and I donate my children’s toys probably more often than I should. With birthdays, Christmas, and overly generous grandparents, it tends to pile up and I prefer things to be somewhat organized in our house.

Personally, too much stuff equals stress.

But decluttering isn’t necessarily a minimalist thing. You don’t have to be a minimalist to be able to tell that a room is messy and could use some organizing. You don’t even have to be a minimalist to enjoy cleaning up.



Melissa Frost

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.